I talked to my guidance counslers at school to decide where I want to study at and my plans to go to an out of state school were shut down from the start due to the money so when I brought up any of my favorite universties they were always looked over. I know tution is going to be hard since I come from a low income family but I am looking into scholarships,grants and workstudy opportunites to pay for my schooling but was wondering if was even a possibilty to go to these schools or if I should just look into a Utah school.
Schools that I am intrested in (what are my chances) :
Oberlin College
University of Chicago
Columbia University
Carleton College
I am a highschool junior and have been on high honor roll all throughout high school I have taken all honors, AP, and advanced classes so far.
AP : Euro, Biology,(10th grade), US History, Latin, Literature and Composition,Statistics(11th grade) next year I want to take Language, Chemistry, US Gov,and maybe Envirmental Science.
- Exam Scores
*Bio -3
Extracirriculars/Volunteer Work
9th grade student council for 3.5 months
Mentored a girls group for 4 months 2 hrs a weeks in 10th grade
Helped Organize/Particapted in a community Fashion show in 10th grade
Debate Club from January till the rest of this year 11th grade
Basketball Club April till the end of the year 11th grade
I created a mentoring and tutoring system at my high school to help get students motivated about school and help them pass their classes by working with teachers -this is still a work in progress and I will get the results by the end of the year how effective the program is.
I also did several service projects through our school field trips
I help care for my Grandmother and my baby sister
Honors :
9th grade student of the year for Lit and Compostion
10th grade students of the year for AP Bio
I particapted in the AMC to represent my school
National Honor Society
I am going to be competing in a state math competion to represent my school.
Student Accalades from teachers about my personality traits that I recieved every year ex: Enthusiasum, Honesty and Dependebility
GPA: 3.97- my school doesn’t do a weighted GPA
Classrank: 3/96
Current ACT score w/ writing 22 w/out writing 23
- I know that I have really low scores but I have taken it 3 times and I still keep getting a low score and I studied like crazy but I still don’t know what to do. Help ! I am taking it again this Saturday and am hoping to get a better score.
- I am also going to try the SAT this May to see if I can do any better on that one -Help!
My Backgroud
-low income family-oldest child-first generation to attend college-daughter of Somali immigrants- skipped the 5th grade if that counts for anything- can speak fluently in Somali and English but I know Latin and Arabic pretty well
Also would it be safer to do early descion or just wait for regular registration ? Thank you so much this is will help me like crazy !