<p>Arial Narrow, 12</p>
<p>^ Sylafaen looks nice.</p>
<p>Sylfaen does look nice, but I am mandated by law to use 12 point TNR. Oh well.</p>
<p>i use the regular tnr 12 size.</p>
<p>Calibri is where it's at.</p>
<p>TNR 12 is all I can stand.</p>
<p>Lucinda bright size 16! Then, I switch it to TNR 12 when finished..</p>
<p>I don't memorize fonts, I just browse through them and find what I think it appropriate or I like.
Most of the Time it is Mandatory that it be in Arial or TNR... sometime Veranda...
I hate TNR, so I'll choose Veranda or Arial over TNR anyday....but sometimes... I have to use TNR, which it doesn't bug me THAT much... its only a font...</p>
<p>Times New Romans is so ugly...</p>
<p>Calibri, and before I got word 2007 I used verdana</p>
<p>Old English, in all caps.</p>
<p>times new roman, 12.</p>
<p>if i'm writing notes, though, I usually use Franklin Book style? or something to that effect.</p>
<p>fixed [misc] 9 or fixed [misc] 10 (xterm's font)</p>
<p>its a bitmap font so redo the .cache config thing and enable bmps to get it</p>
<p>I usually have to use Times New Roman, but i like Veranda and Garamond.</p>
<p>Wingdings? NICE. I only wish that I was that badass. lol</p>
<p>Yea Callibri since I got word 2007. Much improved over TNR :D</p>
<p>12 pt Times New Roman double spaced and occasionally 10 pt Arial.</p>
<p>In regards to some earlier post about Webdings:</p>
<p>In my middle school, we had this keyboading/computer tech class with a wacky, wacky and socially inept teacher. Every year we had to make a Powerpoint about some stupid topic or another, and she had all these crazy font requirements. To **** her off, some kid wrote in Webdings "Mrs So&so is a psycho with bad clothes." Right before the presentation, one of his groupmates, goes, "We can't have this in Webdings!" and switches it to Arial. </p>
<p>They start presenting....and you know the rest.</p>
<p>But I'm a classicist myself. TNR for everything except Powerpoints.</p>
<p>I use Times New Roman 12 pt...double spaced.</p>
<p>If we use anything else, most of our teachers give us zeros and throw it in the trash.</p>
<p>I usually use Times New Roman, but I use Franklin Gothic Medium when I feel like spicing up my writing :)</p>
<p>Arial or Arial Narrow pt 10 or 11 usually.</p>
<p>I'm really particular about my font choices, I alternate between Adobe Garamond, my all-time favorite, and Granjon.</p>