What GPA range will l need, to be able to transfer here?

<p>Hello guys, I am current a community college student and I would like to know what you guys think I will need GPA-wise in order to get accepted into Madison so I can transfer? Madison is currently one of my top three choices for transferring.</p>

<p>What GPA do you guys think I will need? I am majoring in Sociology, so in the liberal arts category.</p>

<p>anyone wanna help?</p>

<p>How about 3.5.</p>

<p>The only information we have can just as easily be located by you on the UW transfer admissions website. Go there.</p>

<p>You get admitted to the university as a whole, regardless of proposed major. Different majors have different criteria for acceptance to the major. All the details are on the UW website- a place to become familiar with if you intend to be a UW student. You can also get the “flavor” of a school by perusing its site. I find UW’s easy to navigate.</p>

<p>The average transfer GPA is 3.4, so anything in the 3.5+ range and you should be good to go provided everything else is in order (i.e. letters of recommendation, appropriate course rigor, etc.).</p>

<p>Thanks, yeah I saw that it was 3.4 on the website, thanks. I am not so sure If I will be able to transfer here though due to the tuition price especially being out of state. I am assuming you guys don’t offer much scholarships to out of state transfer students.</p>

<p>It’s not so much about scholarships as it is about financial aid, which includes all important loans in addition to grants. Submit a FAFSA application and then put down UW-Madison as a recipient and see how much you’ll get.</p>

<p>Yeah I’ll definitely apply here at the least, but I am too sure about the chances or likelihood of me actually attending here as much as I would like.</p>

<p>3.4 might be the average but more accurately…if you have a 3.0 or above, you pretty much have a really good chance. I found a spreadsheet on retention from UW a couple days ago…can’t find it now, but it had a scatter plot. <2.5 is almost always rejection >3.0 is almost always acceptance</p>

<p>does being out of state change perspectives?</p>

<p>Nope. …</p>

<p>I’ve been told (by a professor who got his PhD at Madison and is teaching at UW-Oshkosh now) that being in-state does make it easier to transfer actually. I’m not sure if there are statistics out there that dispel or confirm that though.</p>

<p>Either way, the bottom line is to get good grades.</p>

<p>I currently have a 3.5 GPA and I am out of state so I hope I can still get accepted at the least. I still have another two more semesters before I apply though</p>

<p>You need 24 transferable credits to attend UW as a transfer- you can apply before you finish the required credits. For example, if you plan on two years at your current school you would apply during the second year for admission the next fall. You need xx credits (you look it up) while at the UW campus to get a UW degree so you can’t wait too long to transfer.</p>