What Grades and SAT scores are needed to get in the University of Miami?

<p>My school does not have any clubs, i have no community service or extracirculars and i only speak 1 language (******** said UM likes bilinguals). My current gpa is 3.5/3.7. What grades did you guys have to get in. Thank You in advance</p>

<p>Hi BklynBoy, </p>

<p>These are Miami’s Stats (according to collegeapps.com–my goto site):
SAT Critical Reading: 600 / 700
SAT Math: 630 / 720
SAT Writing: 590 / 690</p>

<p>ACT Composite: 28 / 32
ACT English: 28 / 34
ACT Math: 27 / 32</p>

<p>Remember-- these are AVERAGE. Every applicant is different, so don’t let these numbers bug you down. But, it doesn’t hurt to have a score in one of these intervals! Also, your GPA does look decently well for U. Miami. Just keep it up and don’t let it drop! Anything below a 3.5 can be risky to have, no matter the school. </p>

<p>I’ve never heard a school that doesn’t have any clubs, but I would suggest getting a extracurricular activity in there somewhere. Or at least some community service hours of some sort. I don’t know what grade your in and if you have any time, but having a eclectic group of out of school activities does raise your chances for any school, and in your case: U. Miami. Miami (the city) is a very diverse and multi-cultural place; U. Miami (according to my friend who goes there) definitely DOES look for students that are bilingual, but it won’t hurt if you don’t know another language. </p>

<p>Good luck! And no matter what, you’ll be great! :slight_smile: I hope I helped! </p>


<p>Thank you alot for the information and site. I should be able to keep a 3.5+ gpa and i am doing by best to raise it. I should be able to get the 2 year foreign language requirement (1/2 ychinese 1 1/2 y spanish) but as for becoming bilingual in time to put on my application that will be impossible. So its good to know it wont affect me negatively</p>

<p>I know it weird for a school to not have any clubs or community service. But my school was recently created by Bloomberg and is still small and expanding. But i have been talking to the 12th graders (im in 11th) and they say theirs a Yearbook thing. So ill be sure to join/try to</p>

<p>2q’s: Can you get community service outside school? and is the Community service class count as community service hours? My guidance counseor should know either</p>

<p>Though I couldn’t tel you for sure, I do not think Miami looks for bilingual speakers. How would they know??? While there are native Spanish speakers (from Cuban households) the primary language on campus is English. I don’t think the school needs to, or wants to look for bilingual speakers of any kind. Diversity in general is nice, but I don’t think you will be looked down upon for not speaking Spanish, Chinese, French, Portuguese… or any other language. </p>

<p>Other than taking Spanish (or any language in HS) I don’t think any of my sons friends were bilingual, unless they had a parent that spoke another language.</p>