What grading scale does your school use?

<p>Well, I'm not sure if it's called a grading scale but it's where you convert your GPA from a number grade.
My school's system is pretty weird.
You get +10 on your grade if you take ap.
90 - 100 = 4.0
89 - 80 = 3.0
79 - 70 = 2.0
Then I'm not 100% sure below there.
But it's more lenient then other schools I'm sure of that.
What's yours like?</p>

<p>AP/Honors weighted 1 point
an A in AP/Hon is 5.0. B is 4.0
regular clases A worth 4.0</p>

<p>Ugh lucky! My high school is on the 7 point scale without A+/A- etc which really hurts my GPA…</p>

<p>Nothing is weighted, and we don’t have pluses or minuses on grades.
(It works fine, btw. Everyone in the top ten is an honors student. People who aren’t motivated enough to take honors classes generally aren’t going to be motivated enough to have a 4.0.)</p>

<p>A = 4.0 = 94-100
B = 3.0 = 85-93
C = 2.0 = 74-84
D = 1.0 = 65-73
F = 0 = 0-64</p>

<p>My school only provides percents and just averages them for your “GPA”.
92-100 = A
83-91 = B
74-82 = C
65-73 = D
64 and Below = F
For weighted grades, you get +10 to the final grade if it’s AP, +6 if Honors, +3 if Accelerated, and +0 if College Prep.</p>

<p>We use the 4.0 scale
90+ = A
80-89 = B
70-79 = C
60-69 = D
59 or lower = E</p>

<p>Scholar (lower then honors but higher then regular) gets .5 added for the w GPA for each class, AP and honors gets one point added for the w GPA for each class…</p>

<p>4.0 scale +0.5 for honors +1.0 for AP</p>

<p>93-100=A (4.0)
90-92=A- (3.7)
87-89=B+ (3.3)
83-86=B (3.0)
80-82=B- (2.7)
77-79=C+ (2.3)
73-76=C (2.0)
70-72=C- (1.7)
67-69=D+ (1.3)
64-66=D (1.0)
below 64=F (0.0)</p>

<p>4.0 scale with +.25 for Honors and +1.0 for AP</p>

<p>93-100: A (4.0)
90-92: A- (3.6)
87-89: B+ (3.4)
83-86: B (3.0)
80-82: B- (2.6)
77-79: C+ (2.4)
73-76: C (2.0)
70-72: C- (1.6)
67-69: D+ (1.4)
63-66: D (1.0)
60-62: D- (0.6)
<59: F (0.0)</p>

<p>Unweighted= 4.33 scale</p>

93 or 94-96=A=4.0
90-92 or 93=A-=3.67 etc</p>

<p>Weighted gpa adds 2 points for AP, 1 point for CP, 1.5 or 1.25 points for honors I think</p>

<p>93-100: 4.0
.0225 boost for AP, no other boosts</p>


<p>APs give you an extra point if you get a C or higher</p>

<p>89.5+= A
79.5-89.4= B
69.5-79.4= C
59.5-69.4= D
below 59.5= E</p>

A= 4.0
B= 3.0
C= 2.0
D= 1.0
E= 0</p>

A= 5.0
B= 3.75
C= 2.5
D= 1.25
E= 0</p>

<p>93-100 = A
85-92 = B
75-84 = C
70-74 = D
<70 = F</p>

A = 4.0/4.5/5.0
B = 3.0/3.5/4.0
You should get the trend</p>

<p>Everyone also gets +2 points added to their final grade if they have perfect attendance, but no one ever gets them because everyone, including the honors kids, skip at least once.</p>

<p>A+ = 97.55+
A = 92.55-97.54
A- = 89.55-92.54
B+ = 87.55- 89.54
and so on</p>

<p>A+, A, or A- = 4.0
B+, B, or B- = 3.0
and so on. </p>

<p>Honors and Pre-AP classes are NOT weighted. </p>

<p>AP classes, French III, French IV, Spanish IV, College Algebra, and Pre-Calculus are given the standard points plus one for an A, B, or C (so an A in AP class gets you 5.0).</p>

<p>7 point grading scale
AP classes add two extra points to your gpa
Honors add one extra point to your gpa
But only 96 and above is a 4</p>

<p>Our school district is switching to a universal 10 point scale for the upcoming school year. Prior to that, it was:</p>

<p>93-100: A
85-92: B
77-84: C
70-76: D
<69: F</p>

<p>At our school, it’s IB/AP>Honors>CP</p>

<p>It’s a regular 4.0 scale, with a +1.0 bonus for IB/AP, and a +0.5 bonus for Honors.</p>

<p>I hate our scale. My GPA would be higher if we had the 10 point scale. </p>

<p>94-100: A
86-93: B
78-85: C
69-77: D
<68: F</p>

<p>+1 AP, +.5 honors. 4.0 scale.</p>

<p>My school uses a 4.0 grading scale.</p>

<p>94-100= A (4.0)
86-93= B (3.0)
78-85= C (2.0)
70-77= D (1.0)
0-69= F (0.0)</p>

<p>+1 honors/advanced/dual enrollment classes, +2 AP classes</p>

<p>A: 100-94
B: 93-87
C: 86-76
D: 75-70
F: 69 and below</p>

<p>Standard Grade Scale:
A- 4
B- 3
C- 2
D- 1
F- 0</p>

A- 5
B- 4
C- 3
D- 2
F- 0</p>

<p>School doesn’t weight, and only goes to one decimal place.</p>

<p>A+: 97+ = 4.3
A: 93-96 = 4.0
A-: 90-92 = 3.7</p>

<p>…And so on and so forth.</p>