What happens after admission?

Do schools ask for end of year report card after acceptance? Was wondering as I think I may end with a B in English and am hoping that they won’t like, “rescind” the acceptance. Lol. Thx in advance



Not for a B. Congratulations

Thank you, was also just wondering if they can rescind accaptences in general. Thx

Yes, they absolutely can rescind an acceptance. It’s rare, and you’d really need to mess up, but it happens

Do u know for what reasons, I.e failed class, etc. Sry for so many questions!

They can rescind for any reason. But they accepted you, so they want you. Yes, a failed class will be a problem.

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Ok, thx!

Or a serious disciplines issue.


@bestinvestor congratulations on a successful M10!! woohoooo!!
And now I’m switching to put my parent hat on for a moment: I can’t quite tell if you were kidding about being worried about a B. I just want to share a thought with you – show up, do your best, yes use the resources available to you, do all the things that will enrich your academic experience. Yes celebrate your hard work and grades! Yes to that all! But also: please don’t buy into any kind of narrative that a B is failure. Please try new things and explore in high school. This is the time! If you aren’t getting a B somewhere somehow in life then that (to me) says you haven’t gotten comfortable with being new at something. Be a beginner in some way now, so you keep that lifeskill going forward. B’s will change a GPA – I get that. and nothing wrong with a good old fashioned 4.0/straight A high school career! yay for that! But the consequences for getting an 85 are NOT getting an offer rescinded. So yes show up! do all the things! But don’t forget to give yourself some space to be a beginner. Don’t live in a B-as-failure narrative. Cheering you on!! :).


@bestinvestor , if you have it in you, read the book “Excellent Sheep”. It’s not new, but many a high-achiever has seen themselves in it and been much more intentional about why they do what they do.

Please please don’t worry about one B grade. It’s very likely that you will see other B grades in your future, either in HS or College.

One B grade would not be a cause to rescind admission.

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Thank you all for the advice!!