What Happens if You Apply ED to 2 Colleges and are Accepted to Both?

<p>See title.</p>

<p>Pretty sure you can’t apply ED to 2 colleges</p>

<p>If it’s possible, I think both acceptances would be rescinded.</p>

<p>You can appy ED 1 and if rejected apply ED 2 at another school.</p>

<p>In all my years as a college counselor, I never met a peer who would sign two ED contracts unless a student was rejected ED1.</p>

<p>High schools will not send out transcripts & counselor recommendations to 2 ED schools, so this is a moot question.</p>

<p>if its harvard and mit go to both…if the schools are farther apart then youre screwed ahahhahahajk</p>

<p>youll probably get rescined</p>

<p>^neither H or MIT have ED.</p>

<p>i was kidding bro. of course he wouldnt be able to go to harvard and mit at the same time. i thought my joke was self explanatory</p>