What happens if you don't get your Health form in by Aug. 1st?

<p>Just realized that D needs a physical in order to complete the Health Form which is due August 1st.
Wow that one really slipped right past us. Does anyone know what happens if you don't turn it in on time?</p>

<p>Don’t worry. First, see how quickly you can get your student in for a physical. Student health doesn’t return until Aug 3, so email them with date of physical if you can’t get it done by the 1st. Minnesota state law requires certain immunizations and the TB test before a student can start class–really the most important part of the form is the medical history that you supply on pages 1 and 2 and the documentation of immunizations on page 4.</p>

<p>Does Macalester tell the student in 1600grand or by email that the student has not sent in the required form(s)? We faxed it the health form but how do we know that it is recorded?</p>

<p>If you are missing a form (or didn’t pay your tuition), your student will have a validation hold in 1600grand with a notice to get it cleared by the appropriate office. Validation holds must be cleared by 2-3 weeks into the semester (exact date listed on academic calendar). Your student’s advisor will help him/her with this during orientation, if necessary, and will also review and adjust student’s class schedule.</p>