what happens if you don't sign the commonapp

<p>Just out of curiosity what happens if one forgets to sign the first year application part of the commonapp? Will the college send it back to you to sign or will they throw out your application?</p>

<p>If you sent the Common App. electronically then there’s no real signature. You click a box that represents your signature then it’s submitted. </p>

<p>Did you send paper versions of Common Applications unsigned? If so, then you need to print off the last page of the Common App. form, sign it, make copies for all the schools you applied and mail a copy to each school’s admissions office as soon as possible. They need the signature (if you applied on paper). You need to include a note saying that you forgot to sign and to replace the last page with your new signed page (include your full name, date of birth, and the application period you are applying i.e EA, RD). It’s a problem you can fix, but you need to be proactive.</p>