What happens when one gets a rejection?

So I really want to do Purdue engineering and work for NASA. However, I am worried that my math grades and therefore test scores wouldn’t be high enough For them. I am not asking about my chances.

What I want to kmow is, if I get rejected, what then? I would still like to go to Purdue even if I can’t do engineering. There is no place on the common app for an alternate major Like there is for some other colleges. If I get rejected would they ask about an alternative major or would I just have to not go there and do something else somewhere else?

If you’re a good applicant for another major, then they’ll offer you the option to apply for a different major. For example, my cousin tried to get in for engineering, so he got a decision that said: denied - offer admission for another major. Then, he changed his application to get into building and construction management in the college of technology and was admitted.

Okay thank you

If you are interested in working for NASA having a plan B school might be the best option. Another school to consider applying to is University of Alabama Huntsville. They are very strong in Engineering (about 25% of their students are engineering majors), NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center is in Huntsville and they are less selective than Purdue. Sometimes if you don’t get what you want you can get what you need (where have I heard that before? :). )

Well that would be great but theres no way i could afford to go all the way to alabama… my second and third choices (saint marys/notre dame and butler) will be difficult since theyre private schools but proooooobably more doable than alabama… sorry haha