What happens when people in college get pregnant?



<p>Go do some more research. The doctor actually advised against implanting that many embryos, but because of patient’s rights if the patient demanded to have all the embryos implanted, the doctor has to comply. The ethical transgression lies with the patient because she decided to implant all the embryos against doctor’s advice even though it results in increased health risks for the mother and the children and ultimately lowers social surplus.</p>



<p>To each his own, but we were all babies once, so utterly attesting them is pretty hypocritical IMO. I don’t blame you for having no interest with them, as I would hate for my gf to get pregnant now, but part of the joy in life is recreating it and watching it grow. Yes, it’s a huge responsibility and a pain, but it’s also very rewarding. And when you are up in your 70s and 80s, and with no living family members, I can only assume you will feel very lonely and/or depressed. I mean look at our retired grandparents today, their whole lives is about the family that they have created. I just can’t imagine not having one at that age, let alone no kids. Just my response to your opinions… I’m not trying to flame you because I feel very differently about the subject, just what I think.</p>

-Obviously I’m glad my mother didn’t hate babies and, you know, actually took care of me. But I DONT want to take care of any babies, thus I won’t be having any. And I hated other kids even when I was a kid because 95% of them were annoying and/or total jerks.
-I never said I didn’t want to get married; hopefully if I am in my 70’s/80’s, my spouse would be as well.
-I imagine that for SOME people there is joy in creating life and watching it grow. But I have no interest in it. I’d rather spend my time doing something else, such as helping many other people rather than just procreating. Any creature can do that.
-I can assure you that there are plenty of elderly people with children who are quite lonely and depressed. Their children and grandchildren put them in “assisted living” or nursing homes rather than deal with them themselves. My mom used to take care of a lady whose daughter kept trying to move her out of her home and into an assisted living facility so they could sell the house. The woman’s daughter (who is my great-uncle’s wife) eventually succeeded in getting the lady into assisted living but hasn’t been able to sell the house bc of the economy. </p>

<p>catsushi: I agree, octomom is scary as hell! Google pictures of her pregnant and you will never want kids EVER. EURGH. And 3 of her other kids she already has are on disability; one of them is autistic. So what does she do? HAVE EIGHT MORE OF COURSE!!! This women is completely INSANE.</p>

<p>It’s interesting how there are some people who can’t possibly wrap their minds around the idea of not wanting/disliking children.
It doesn’t seem like that difficult of a concept.</p>



<p>-I’m sure you were an angel yourself as a child, and everyone liked you. How can you expect maturity at such a young age?
-Never said you don’t want marriage. I’m simply asking you to be open to the fact that people do die before their 70’s or 80’s, it can happen.
-Last I checked, pretty much any creature can help others.
-There are many with families and still depressed, yes, I’m not denying that. You don’t think you will put yourself in a nursing home or something of the sort when you are no longer able to care for yourself and/or spouse?</p>

<p>I’m trying not to be judgemental, and there are plenty of reasons for people not to have kids, but to me it sounds like you just don’t want to have the responsibility of caring and raising a very needy individual such as a child. I just thought you would have a better rebuttal than kids are stinky and annoying so you don’t want them. </p>



<p>Tell your parents that, see what their response is, then get back to me.</p>

<p>^ no offense, but why is it so hard for you to grasp that some people simply don’t want children? If someone hates kids, chances are that person will be an unfit parent, and we don’t need any more of those. </p>

<p>I’m planning on having kids of my own someday, btw - 2 in fact! one boy, one girl, that would be perfect :slight_smile: but yeah I can understand why someone wouldn’t want kiddies.</p>



<p>This has what to do with my comment? This really isn’t difficult: some people desire children, others don’t. Why you can’t comprehend that, while mildly humorous, makes me question the educational system.</p>

<p>You’re acting as if she wants all children slaughtered.</p>

<p>World population is already too high, we need a couple more non-procreators to balance out all the kids that people like octomom have.</p>

<p>“I’m trying not to be judgemental, and there are plenty of reasons for people not to have kids, but to me it sounds like you just don’t want to have the responsibility of caring and raising a very needy individual such as a child. I just thought you would have a better rebuttal than kids are stinky and annoying so you don’t want them.”</p>

<p>Her reason is valid and completely right. Why would you want someone to bring a child into this world if they had no desire to raise it? </p>

<p>This isn’t 1952.</p>

<p>Also, I think it’s funny you’re commenting on the issue of whether a woman wants a child as if you have the ability to carry one.</p>

<p>You’re trying to put words in my mouth. I never said I was a perfect angel. I got in trouble, sure. But I was never a bully. Kids are total JERKS to each other starting about 3rd grade on up, and I was picked on mercilessly through high school.
And I would hope that I am still able to care for myself when I am in my 80s. My grandmother manages pretty well and she is 83. My great-grandmother managed to care for herself well until she was 92. I would not expect to need to care for my mother until she is well into her 80’s at least, which is about 35 years in the future.
Honestly, I think if I got to the point where I needed someone to help me wipe my poo and feed myself, I’d probably be so repulsed I’d commit suicide. </p>

<p>What if I DON’T want the responsibility of raising a child? Is that somehow bad? Kids ARE stinky and annoying TO ME. If they aren’t to you, that’s fine. But I don’t care for them at all. I have no problem with other people having children as long as they are reasonable about it. 3 kids tops is the maximum I think people should willingly have. Okay, so if you’ve got two and end up with twins on round three, then ok. But I do think it’s an issue when someone like the octomom pops out 14 children, all via in vitro… what’s so special about her that she just HAD to pass on her genes THAT many times?? Could she not have adopted? Jesus. I personally think in vitro is a terrible invention; if you’re infertile, there’s probably a reason. (not that you shouldn’t be a parent, but perhaps there might be a REASON you don’t need to pass on your genes… like, say, defects?? Adopt some poor child who needs a good home, if you want to be a parent so badly!) </p>

<p>I also pointed out earlier that pregnancy disgusts and scares me, and I would not be willing to go through that.
I think it’s better for me to acknowledge all of this NOW and save myself the trouble, than get stuck with a child I don’t want just because “it’s what people do”. Every child should be a wanted child. </p>

<p>My mom doesn’t care whatsoever that I don’t want children. </p>

<p>PS PlattsburghLoser, you rock. :smiley:
ETA: didn’t see everyone else’s comments defending me too! mcb, mollie, and randomgrandeur, y’all rock too!</p>

<p>I think people should have the right to have a huge family if they choose. My best friend is from a family of 6 kids and their parents can support them properly, and also are warm, loving, supportive, give their kids their independence and freedom, etc.
It’s just that with the Octomom, she cannot even support them and uses her money from welfare to get invitro - if you want to have 14 kids, great if you are able and willing to support them yourself, but don’t expect the rest of America to have to pay for them for you (in taxes).</p>

<p>I think people’s decision to have or not have kids is their own personal choice. Why do some people get so offended if someone chooses not to, I will never understand.</p>

<p>I can’t stop someone from choosing a big family, but I would like people to take a step back and think about all the environmental impacts of having so many children… think about how many disposable diapers, baby food jars, clothes, shoes, hair barrettes, food in general, ONE child goes through and then multiply that by how many kids you want/have… it’s A LOT.
This is another reason I don’t want kids… to reduce my footprint on the world. Again, not saying no one should ever have kids, but I think we drastically need a reduction in the population if we’re going to be able to sustain our species at all in 100 or 200 years time. The earth should really only hold about 2 billion humans at most, and there are already nearly 7 billion. By 2050, which is barely 40 years away, they’re projecting more than 9 billion! If we don’t quit now, the whole species is going to suffer, due to not having enough clean drinking water or enough food for that many people, not to mention the whole planet because more and more other species will have to die off to make room for us.</p>

<p>Octomom is an idiot and needs a mental evaluation immediately. How selfish of her to bring more kids into the world when her other six aren’t being sufficiently cared for.</p>



<p>My mom’s response to that question was “You kinda start to like them after you have them.”</p>

<p>Also, you’re completely neglecting the possibility of adoption. I mean, I hate babies, but wouldn’t mind adopting a kid once they’ve got the ability to talk.</p>

<p>either you have the kid, or for the sake of your education career and your life, you abort it, as having a kid so young is a bad idea, and science has shown that an embryo less than 2 trimesters old could never live on its own.</p>



<p>^^betty friedan would be disappointed in you (and i thought abortion was controversial…)</p>

<p>lol who is betty friedan?</p>

<p>The fact that you don’t know is kind of sad. She’s a famous feminist from the early 60’s (or maybe late 50’s, I’m a little fuzzy on the time period). She wrote The Feminine Mystique?
Take a women’s studies class, ladies, jeez. Learn about your own history.</p>

<p>^^Yes. Intro To Feminism was perhaps my most valuable class at BC. </p>

<p>I was a marketing major, if that means anything.</p>

<p>Thanks guys, and at least I know who Margaret Sanger is. :wink:
Back to the IUD thing, just fyi (not sure if this was addressed before), the reason why doctors would prefer to give it to women who’ve had children is because an IUD sits in your uterus and can be uncomfortable, and so it is physically easier on you if you’ve been pregnant because then your body is more adapt to it. It’s not a moral thing or an issue of wanting everyone to have babies.</p>