What happens when people in college get pregnant?

<p>After reading the article, it seems that octomom might have some type of OCD that is aimed towards having children. She focuses on the goal of having lots of children, and in doing so disregards the fact that she may not have the means of supporting them.</p>

<p>AUlostchick, ignore people who try to push their values onto you needlessley. :P</p>



<p>No it’s not bad. But acting as if people are inferior because they chose to have kids is. Especially when you said that you’d rather “care for many others” than procreate. I find that hilarious. You don’t have the capacity or patience to deal with kids “for 10 minutes”, but you can help many other people? </p>

<p>Yes, I find kids very stinky and very annoying, and at the age of 20 and being in college, I would hate to have them now. What I’ve disagreed with is: that’s your only reason to never have kids. I hate doing homework and studying for hours and hours, but I’m still going to go to college for the end result. That’s my same reasoning for having kids (or adopting).</p>



<p>And you think I feel differently? I agree with this statement, verbatum. That’s why I love what China and India are implementing.</p>



<p>Yes, because obviously that’s what I believe. LOL. And you think I’m putting words in your mouth? (As I’ve already acknowledged I think it’s fine people don’t have children.) Look, all my original post was saying was: you are a hypocrite for detesting babies and thinking they are disgusting. I honestly don’t care if you don’t ever have kids, and you’re right: if you can’t care for one, then I’m glad you aren’t going to procreate (or adopt for that matter). In regards to me posting about family, it was for the sake of supporting my argument. Because at some age, even many of the “Hollywood playboys” want a family. And at some age, I will too.</p>



<p>I question the educational system too, because obviously you haven’t fully read what I wrote. Quite humorous that is.</p>

<p>When did I ever say that I was superior to people who have children??</p>

<p>I said that <em>I</em> don’t want children, and I don’t care if others do as long as they aren’t breeding like rabbits (due to environmental concerns). I don’t LIKE children, and gave you SOME reasons why. Not just that they are “stinky” and “annoying”, although I believe that’s a perfectly valid reason, but I also am terrified and disgusted by pregnancy, which I also mentioned. If you really want me to go into the multitude of reasons I don’t want them, I will gladly. I have a list and everything…
I have many diseases and disorders in my family which I would not want to pass on to any offspring (including but not limited to stroke, heart attack, and breast cancer), I will be able to have the career that I want (major travel involved) without worrying about having to arrange for the care of a child or taking the child with me to possibly dangerous places, I can’t even take care of a puppy properly (I do better with cats who are more independent), I have terrible eating habits and would thus be a terrible role model and a bit hypocritical if I tried to force a child to eat lots of vegetables and fruits, I have issues with my temper and yell/scream/cry when I am upset which is not something I think a child should be exposed to…
would you like me to continue? </p>

<p>There are many people I would be able to help care for without it having to be related to children. I could help care for the elderly, homeless people, etc. Or I could help care for animals, by fostering or adopting them from shelters. </p>

<p>I also never said that I couldn’t deal with children for more than 10 minutes. Some of them, yes; they can be incredibly obnoxious at times. I was in middle school not THAT long ago (1999-2000, ~10 yrs ago), I remember vividly how cruel and full of themselves people at that age can be. Obviously not every single child is like that. I have younger cousins who I see every few months and while I enjoy spending time with the younger one who is six, after about 5 minutes with the 12 year old, I’m about ready to go hide in a closet somewhere until they leave because he is SO ANNOYING. But even with the one I like, after a couple hours, I’m ready for her to go back to her mommy because she’s so rambunctious and needing of attention. I have problems sharing my space even with my friends sometimes (comes from being an only child I guess), the thought of sharing my space with another person ALL THE TIME 24/7/365 for years and years is kind of disturbing to me. At least with another adult you can be like “Ok. we are p-ssing each other off right now, so I am going to go over here and stay for a while until I calm down. Then I’ll get back to you.” You can’t do that with a small child, and especially not with a baby.</p>

<p>I don’t see how being disgusted by babies is being a hypocrite… because I used to be one?? That doesn’t make any sense. It’s like saying, I’m a hypocrite for being grossed out by broken bones because I’ve had broken bones before. Doesn’t make a broken bone any less gross… </p>

<p>In the end, I’d rather regret not having children than regret having them.</p>

<p>AU, I respect you for realizing your desire to remain childless. You shouldn’t have to explain or defend your position yourself to ANYONE. Having children is a deeply personal choice and one that should be made and well thought out BEFORE bringing a child into the world.</p>

<p>This is an interesting thread. Bump.</p>

<p>I think a lot of our generation will choose to remain childless. I mean, I personally love babies, but I don’t want to take care of anyone but myself.</p>

<p>^that’s actually great, imo. world overpopulation is going to be a HUGE deal by the end of this century, or at least that’s what my environmental sci prof always blabs about. and with idiots like octomom (who shouldn’t be called octomom - she has 14 kids!) around, it’s not helping things.</p>

<p>personally my ideal would be 2 kids, no more. the ones that want 0 kids will hopefully balance out the ones popping out 7+. and if you really want that many kids, why not adopt as well as have them naturally?</p>

<p>I personally think that it’s too idealistic to take part in stopping overpopulation. Unless absolutely everyone gets involved, the world will eventually be replaced by those who want many children.</p>

<p>It’s your choice to not spread your genes, but all I have to say is - you’re not putting a competitive edge in nature. Nature will ultimately determine who has the best genes, and if you choose not to reproduce, you are choosing not to participate. This allows people with possibly much worse genes than yours to still have their lineage win over yours just because they decided to reproduce.</p>

<p>As for me, personally - I’m planning to have at least six and possibly up to as many as 30 if lifestyle and finances allow for it; of course, that also means the ability to not just take care of them but take care of them well - whatever that will entail. Overpopulation and genetics? I’ll let the course of nature play that one out. If you don’t think it’s fair, have more kids and join the competition!</p>

<p>By not having any children, you’re making it unfairly easy for those who want to have children.</p>

<p>lol, it’s not as simple as just contributing to the gene pool. Having kids is a lot of work and some people would rather do other things with their energy.</p>

<p>And, well, some people just don’t like children…</p>

<p>excel - except that people are having fewer and fewer children these days, as the cost of having children increases. You say that you want at least 6 and as much as 30 (I can only assume you’re joking about the 30…how would you remember their names?) But I think after 3 or 4, you’d get exhausted. You or your partner would have to stay home and watch the rugrats, or hire a nanny/stick em in daycare. Well, if they’re with the nanny all day, what’s the point of having so many of them? have fun buying food, clothes, diapers, strollers, braces, glasses, etc for 6 children lol…oh yeah and don’t forget paying for college. Well I guess if you have a ton of money you can do it, but 6 children is a doozy!

Wait…what are you talking about lol? How is it unfairly easy…everyone can have as many kids as they want, how is it “unfair”? We’re not cavemen competing for survival anymore…Someone who hates kids isn’t going to have kids because their neighbor decided to reproduce and they want a competitive advantage…that doesn’t make sense. Many people out there, just like AUlostchick, want to live their lives and not have children, because they see them as a burden rather than blessing…nothing wrong with that. it’s not like our species is dying out because we’re failing to reproduce :smiley: </p>

<p>I want 1 boy, 1 girl, spaced 2-3 years apart. Also, i’d prefer it if the boy came out first.</p>

<p>The competitive advantage comes with your lineage, not with yourself. That’s where the decision matters - whether or not you prefer to live a life burdened by children (but know you’ll have a lineage) or one that’s stress-free and allows you do stuff that you wouldn’t be able to do with children.</p>

<p>If you don’t mind destroying your lineage, then the latter definitely makes sense. I"m just saying - the competition is still really real. We lived in a civilized society, and we can only produce so much. We definitely have it way better than cavemen, but the competition is still there - the amount of “real money” is still finite.</p>

<p>If you don’t reproduce but you’re doing some type of job, you’re actually benefitting the world at your own expense. I’d hate to be that person. :)</p>

<p>yeah, I get what you mean, but many people don’t care about having a lineage at all. you might hate to be the person who works and is childless, but that person is probably happy with their career, hates kids, and feels sorry for you because you have a little army to take care of, while they can do whatever they want.</p>

<p>About the lineage thing, your brothers and sisters (or cousins if you’re an only child) will probably have kids - at least, not ALL of them will choose to stay childless - so they will continue the lineage.</p>

<p>well, i have 4 half-siblings, at least 3 of which want kids (one’s wife is prego right now) so my dad’s line is safe.
My mom and two of her siblings only had girl children, and one of her brothers never had kids. So actually the last name should have died out already, the only reason is hasn’t is because of me; my mom wasnt married to my dad so she gave me her last name instead of his. But it would end with me anyway, whether I have kids or not, if you assume any such kids I had would have their father’s last name. But there are plenty of my grandfather’s siblings who had male children to carry on our last name. I’m not worried about it.</p>


LOL sooo true. This is totally one of the reasons I don’t want kids.</p>

<p>AUlc, have you ever had people act rude to you in real life for your decision not to have kids? J/w…</p>

<p>Yes, but it is actually my cousins and distant relatives more than just random people. My cousins ALWAYS say, “Oh, you’ll change your mind when you find the right guy.” etc. (my response to that is: “if he wants kids, he’s not the right one.”) One of my cousins actually called me selfish once. I actually had a discussion with an ex-bf the other day and he said, “We are really compatible, except I could never get back together with you because you don’t want kids.” to which I said, “I would never want to get back together with you for the opposite reason, because you DO want kids.” </p>

<p>My friends don’t care. If an acquaintance finds out I don’t want kids, they usually ask “really, why?” to which I respond, “Because I don’t like children. And also, pregnancy grosses me out.” and they usually go, “oh. ok. <em>shrug</em>”</p>

<p>It’s not selfish to not want kids…it’s selfish to expect everyone else to do things for you without doing anything in return. Or to have a ton of kids who you can’t take care of and who you expect other people to support (like Octomom).</p>

<p>AULostchick, I totally understand how you feel about the whole “not having children” issue. I have always had a hard time convincing people that I was serious about never wanting to have children. They would usually shoot me back the standard, “Oh, you’ll change your mind” line. Why is it so hard for people to accept that some people just don’t want kids ever? Also, why is it even more difficult when this statement comes from a woman?</p>

<p>I’ve felt this way since I was younger and the idea has only been reinforced due to a recent traumatic experience I’ve had. Let’s just say sexual assault isn’t the best medicine to cure a girl of her “having children” phobia.</p>

<p>Anyway, I tell people all the time that I want to live my life for myself. They say I’m selfish as a rebuttal, and I’ll admit that I am selfish when it comes to this issue, but is that such a bad thing? Is that really all humans were meant to do, procreate? Is that our sole purpose in life? I highly doubt it.</p>

<p>And to anyone who does want to have children, don’t feel like I’m insulting your choice. That’s your choice, and I have no qualms about that. Just respect the decisions of those who have a different view on the situation.</p>

<p>a barren, sterile, existience. yay!</p>