<p>As the title suggests, what happens when you get a C in Introductory Biology?
How bad is it? and what can be done concerning damage control? Thanks and happy holidays.</p>
<p>Oh btw, I'm in undergrad college</p>
<p>I got a C in one of intro bio covering evolution, plants, and ecology. This course was hell, the most boring, dry and useless course ever at my school (I don't know about other schools). I didn't even study much for the course. On midterms and final what's worse was that its instructor only put essay questions and none multiple choice or matching. I felt like I was taking English exams. :( Now I'm a soph and this is the only C I ever received up to date, pulling down my GPA greatly (current CGPA is 3.5 :( and BCPM GPA is 3.1 :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:) Btw, what would med schools think of someone with a C in an intro bio but an A- in Orgo 1 and an A in Orgo 2?</p>
<p>bk, did u know in advance that the intro bio course only covered evo, plants, ecology?</p>
<p>Yes, I did-I thought it was going to be fun, because I enjoyed the HS bio covering evo, plants and ecology, expecting the college course to be similar, only to find out later I was wrong.</p>
<p>oh sry that sucks. so is the material a lot harder than HS stuff (did u take AP bio)?</p>
<p>I self-studied AP bio for 4 months and got a 4. I really enjoyed evo, plants, and ecology material covered in AP bio. I don't know if all college intro bio courses covering evo, plants and eco are the same, but the one I took was different in that it greatly emphasized depth over breadth, as opposed to AP bio. I wasn't fond of or even accustomed to going in-depth in bio because I was so used to HS bio which put more emphasis on breadth.</p>
<p>ah i see, well at least u did very good in orgo</p>
what would med schools think of someone with a C in an intro bio but an A- in Orgo 1 and an A in Orgo 2?
... that the C was bad but that the A's were good.</p>
<p>bkiersted, I took a similar intro bio course that covered the same topics. That was one of my favourite courses to date. Didn't do that well in it, though. Mostly because I didn't attend lecture. The textbook and labs were cool, though.</p>
<p>When you get a C in bio, your GPA goes down (hopefully). If your GPA actually goes up with a C, you're in trouble.</p>
When you get a C in bio, your GPA goes down (hopefully). If your GPA actually goes up with a C, you're in trouble.