What have your easiest and hardest classes been?

<p>What have your easiest and hardest classes been so far in college for general education and/or your major?</p>

<p>English 1010 might be my easiest. Seriously, it was pretty much a joke for me. I could have passed without being there a single day for taking notes(in fact, I never had to take one page of notes). It was basically high school English except 10 times easier. I was like, AP is supposed to be compared to this? Why didn't I just try harder on the AP test????</p>

<p>I don't know if I personally have had a hardest yet. Some of them got hard but only because I got lazy. Some of them were harder than I expected them to be. Some of them were easy classes with weirdly hard tests(suddenly the teacher knows how to be tough).</p>

<p>Easiest: all entry-level humanities/social sciences/writing classes. Neuroscience I and II were also really easy because the professor’s tests were very straight forward.</p>

<p>Hardest: Engineering math courses, calc I-III + linear methods, we had to prove a lot of the formulas we were working with/answer the hardest problems in the book for our tests. Neurobiology was an upper-level course that was tough for me. The tests were hard, we had to understand tons of current experiments and he would make up these crazy “puzzle-problems” that would deal with a hypothetical problem or situation you would encounter when working in a lab. We had to use our intuition and everything we knew about common themes in sensory processing to best describe an experiment and what the results would be. Needless to say, while I may not have earned all A’s in my harder classes I certainly learned much more than I did in those 100-level classes.</p>

<p>I think my easiest and hardest classes has usually depended on the professor – how hard/easy they grade, how fair they are, and more importantly whether they make the class interesting. A boring class, for me, equals a hard class, no matter what subject its in.</p>

<p>Personally, as an mech engineering and CS major, I’d rather take a science class any day over a humanities class because of the aforementioned bore-factor.</p>

<p>Most difficult material thus far:
Intermediate Microeconomics</p>

<p>After factoring in the instructor and group members I was assigned to:
Business Communications</p>

<p>linear algebra has been my hardest so far, but that is soon to change since i will enter EE classes. (i got A-)</p>

<p>easiest must have been Painting 1, lol still i got a b+ though</p>

<p>Easiest was Poli Sci 200 (basic poli sci). The teacher was really awesome and flexible…I think it was basically impossible not to pass that class.</p>

<p>Hardest was Macroeconomics. It was an 8 AM class and it was just difficult subject matter. I did end up managing an A (don’t ask me how though). :D</p>

<p>easiest - intro bio, intro stats, intro english, intro calc
hardest - partial differential equations</p>

<p>Easiest: History of Rock N Roll, this class was great I showed up maybe 25% of the time and still got an A.</p>

<p>Hardest: Honors Organic Chemistry 2, the material wasn’t difficult to learn its just the way the professor set up the exams that made the class frustrating. I still got an A- though.</p>

<p>My easiest class by far was Sociology 101. </p>

<p>Hardest class might have been Linear Algebra or Calc II. Basically because I didn’t apply myself enough to really understand it. Chem 141 was pretty hard too but I kicked its butt. Hard in a different way was my intro History class because it was taught by the president of my university. History isn’t my strong suit and I really had to apply myself to something I may have not taken seriously otherwise.</p>

<p>Easiest: Intro to Human Sexuality. Sex ed for college kids, FTW!</p>

<p>Hardest: Either the pre-med weedout course of Human Anatomy & Physiology or Managerial Accounting. Love Anatomy but that class was horrible, and I realized how big of a mistake it was to switch to business when I took Managerial Accounting (didn’t help that the prof was the worst I’ve ever had)</p>

<p>Easiest: Synthesis Lab, tests were a joke and all I had to do was show up to lab and get product pretty much…lab write ups were really easy too.</p>

<p>Hardest: Physics I, classical mechanics…that class sucked more than electromagnetism for some reason.</p>

<p>easiest: who knows, maybe russian I, maybe calc1, or maybe even calc2 if you include that, but I took that as a transfer course. hard for me to say, I didn’t know how to study well in my first year, I could have easily gotten a 4.0 if I were taking those classes again, and any of the 100 level classes I took as a sophomore I consider pretty easy (computer programming, linear algebra with diff eqs, calc3, data structures)</p>

<p>hardest: uhh… computer organization? cryptography?</p>

<p>Easiest: “honors” science (natural hazards/environment). Supposedly an honors class, but I did far less work in this class than any other. 5 book reviews (in which you could totally bs) and 3 take-home tests (1 of which was optional). I showed up to class only 1/2 of the time because the professor merely read off the powerpoints in class (and posted the powerpoints online for all to access). </p>

<p>Hardest: Intro to Financial Accounting. Was initially interested in the subject, and was convinced by my mom to take it as an elective as it was not required for anything related to my major (“lena…you need to major in something more practical like business or accounting, so you can find a job”-says mom). Well, not fun. Not interested. I could not have cared less about t-accounts, assets and liabilities and everything else. Definitely a weed-out class at my school, and after a while I refused to actually try in that class. I am still not quite sure how I passed ok.</p>

<p>Ah **** im in Linear Algebra right now =( … material has so far been review and the teacher is SUPER AWESOME, but god, is it really going to get that hard? Plus I got Multivariable freshman year - great >_<</p>

<p>Easiest: Freshman English, Differential Equations</p>

<p>Hardest (so far): Continuum Mechanics</p>

<p>Easiest: Natural Hazards (geology)</p>

<p>Hardest: Multivariable Calculus because it was taught waaay to abstractly for the audience it was targeted at. Maybe we should have done an occasional computation instead of talking about the topology of Euclidean space or proving Stokes’ Theorem. (And I am saying this after finishing an undergraduate math major with a fair number of courses in topology and geometry.)</p>


Linear Algebra can be really easy or really hard depending on the approach. In it’s easiest form, you will get a course on matrix arithmetic. One step up you can prove a few things about linear transformations between vector spaces but there is still a lot of weight on matrices. Or you can make matrices a side topic and talk about dual spaces and exterior algebras instead.</p>



<p>Wait what? Was this the normal calc III? If so, what university do you go to?</p>

<p>Haverford offers two Calc 3 courses: the standard one, and one with a linear algebra prerequisite that is meant to introduce students to proofs along the way. Students who take the more sophisticated version are exempt from a half-semester Bridge to Higher Math course that the other students take concurrently with Real Analysis. Unfortunately the professor kind of misunderstood the concept and taught the course as if everyone in the audience was already comfortable with rigorous math…</p>

<p>The easiest class I ever took was an international studies class that covered spanish colonialism. The professor gave crystal clear notes and the tests test you on the notes…no tricks at all. I also didn’t buy the books (my friend who took it before told me not to) and I still got an A in the class since the professor talked about basically what the book talks about in lecture.</p>

<p>Hardest class I ever took is physical chemistry…hands down. I could not for the life of me conceptualize quantum mechanics, molecular spectroscopy and statistical mechanics. I had to memorize equations instead because I didn’t understand the concepts at all. This is also one of those classes in which you can study a lot of the test and yet the probability of you knowing nothing on the exam is still pretty high. My grades for the first 2 quarter of pchem were quite unsatisfactory but I would NEVER retake any of the pchem sequence because I do not want to sit through that hell again. The only part of pchem I was able to conceptualize was thermodynamics but then even that came with a twist which makes the subject just as difficult as quantum and spectroscopy. Ehh…don’t even want to think about that anymore lol</p>