<p>This afternoon, I recieved a call from my mom saying that one of my favorite cousins died. He was only seventeen.</p>
<p>His death was very tragic and unfortunate... Why did he have to die so horribly and so young? It's killing me to just breathe.</p>
<p>My family is cursed. It's been tragedy after tragedy, and my cousin's death is the breaking point.</p>
<p>What can I do? What <em>do</em> I do? I feel so trapped and helpless.</p>
<p>It's the second time I have ever seen my daddy cry. I... don't even know what I'm doing. I need to get my mind of this, but I can't! Please, help.</p>
<p>I'm very sorry about that - my advice is to talk to someone. Vent to your friends everything you're feeling. For me, leaning on friends is always the best way to deal with such trajedy.</p>
<p>i am very sorry about that. i hope everything gets better. id say talk to your friends or other close ones about it. like what ICARUS said, its the best way to deal with such things. i would also find some good music that you can relate too, if you already havent. music is what gets me out of those kinds of situations. some led zepplin and nirvana might help you feel better.</p>
<p>I'm very sorry. I haven't lost anyone close to me so suddenly, but I used to know a girl who died of cancer last year. Although I wasn't very close to her, I felt sorry for her family and friends. I think that you should probably listen to music (it always works for me) and somehow think of other things. I'm sure your cousin will stay with you in your heart. How is your family "cursed"? Has this happened before? I hope you'll be okay.</p>
<p>In the week following his death, two other very close family friends also passed away--in the month of December alone! However, it wasn't as painful considering they were much older (37 and 65+) and their death was less sudden. About a year ago, our grandfather passed away. There are other things that make my family "cursed," but I'm not going to comment for their privacy.</p>
<p>Thanks guys... I did just that. Listen to loud and mellow music, and after much thought, I have finally accepted with peace of mind. I talked quite a bit to family (even to people I haven't spoken to in years) and friends... I had a good cry. </p>
<p>I opted not to go to his funeral, but I think my family and I all have properly mourned. </p>