What IB courses should I take?

<p>Im a sophmore and I have to pick my classes for next year. I know that I'm going to take English HL, Psychology HL, ITGS HL, TOK, Math Studies and Spanish SL. </p>

<p>For sciences my school offers either Biology SL, Biology HL, or Environmental SL. (I know that environmental is easier but I've heard from upper class men that the teacher sucks and I want to major in Business)</p>

<p>For history I can either take HOTA (crazy teacher) or AP US History online or as my elective but the teacher sucks.</p>

<p>Firstly, take SL biology instead of ess because ess is considered a ‘soft’ subject and since you’ve taken HL ITGS (another soft subject) you don’t want to give colleges a bad impression! I’d honestly recommend you take HL Economics instead of ITGS as it would do you much more good in the future, if it’s offered of course. Another viable option would be business and management (although it’s considered soft) it will at least be of use for the career you’d like to pursue. </p>

<p>Pertaining your history class, i’d go for AP History as it’s a one year course, this will help light your workload for the second year of IB (I’m assuming you’ll be doing the full diploma?). OR you could drop Psychology and take HL HOTA - this is probably the best idea in terms of not straining yourself beyond necessary for the next two years. </p>

<p>Hope i helped!</p>