What if I can’t handle it

I just committed to Loyola Chicago today. I started high school with awful grades and I worked hard to bring them up. I went to a school where the teachers were irresponsible and classes were fairly easy. I am proud and excited to go to Loyola but I was reading reviews that say the academics are rigorous. I am currently having a panic attack because I’m not sure if I can handle it. I’ve always studied a lot but I’m so scared that it will be too much. Does anyone have advice or stories about this? i’m so scared.

Check out their tutoring and academic coaching. At the first sign of trouble, get help. Don’t wait until your in way over your head to ask for help because at that point it is probably too late.

You will be fine. They wouldn’t have admitted you if they didn’t think you could handle it. Head to the college life forum. There is a pinned post called “how to do well in college.” In a nutshell, if you get the books, go to class, take notes, do the homeowrk, and study for tests, go to the tutoring center, and go to prof office hours, you will be fine. Plenty of students were in your shoes and did well. Don’t create imaginary problems for yourself.

Academics at any school are going to be challenging; however, HOW challenging is really going to be up to you. If you have a good work ethic, do the assignments, avoid procrastination, and seek out help when you need it, you will be just fine. It may take some time to adjust to the college workload, depending on the rigor at your high school, but you will get more comfortable. Don’t worry- I promise you, you will be fine.