what if i didn't do well in Grade 11?

<p>moved from Asia to canada and started junior year there
had excellent performance in Grade 10, but had poor course selections and 3.3 GPA in grade 11 after the sudden transfer . couldn't catch up with english11, ended up getting 62</p>

<p>then decided to go for US colleges at the end of Grade 11, so took english12 in the summer, got 83, and now in Grade 12 so far so good, GPA 3.75
everytime i look at my report card, that C for English11 really breaks my heart</p>

<p>do i still have chances to reach any good schools?
please help...Thanks!!!!</p>

<p>and wondering do they actually look at g12 marks?</p>

<p>You have not given us nearly enough info to make any real guesses, but the vast majority of US colleges take many kids with many Cs.</p>

<p>What’s a “good” school? Harvard? Doubt it. Podunk Community College? You betcha.</p>

<p>one C w/ straight A’s is perfectly fine for most US national universities school</p>

<p>and you just immigrated to canada from an asian country, so english will probably be regarded less than your other classes, esp. if you didn’t do so well</p>

<p>since when is a 62 considered a C? thats considered failing in some places in the US</p>

<p>^see [Academic</a> grading in North America - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia](<a href=“Grading systems by country - Wikipedia”>Grading systems by country - Wikipedia)</p>

<p>One C isn’t going to knock you out of the running at top schools if the rest of your application is solid. Admission officers can see that you had just arrived from Asia and will cut you some slack. That’s why admissions aren’t entirely numerically based-the back story matters.</p>