What if i don't get into nursing school?

<p>So I'm a senior in high school this fall wanting to pursue nursing. I'm not sure where at yet, as I'm trying to get a track scholarship too.</p>

<p>I know nursing school is competitive to get into, I'm sure I won't get in my freshman year of college because of my GPA. It isn't all that great right now! My question is if you don't get in the first year what do you do? Take the pre-reqs and then apply for your sophomore year?? I'm a bit confused. </p>

<p>Thanks! (:</p>

<p>My only experience with nursing school is through a friend of mine. She took three semesters, actually, before applying to nursing school to get through her pre-reqs to ensure a high GPA. It sounded like applying to nursing school sophomore year was pretty common. That may depend on the college, though. You should research the schools you’re interested in and find out.</p>

<p>Apply to a bunch of direct entry schools, as well as some schools where you apply during your sophomore year. In some parts of the country, there are few direct entry programs.</p>

<p>Most nursing schools are Division III colleges, which are not allowed to give any athletic scholarships. Even Division II colleges are only allowed to give out a limited number of athletic scholarships with limited total amounts.</p>

<p>Generally, the less competitive programs are at community colleges, branch campuses of public universities, public universities that are not flagship universities, and less well-known private colleges. Many of the main campuses at flagship universities have the most competitive programs for admission.</p>

<p>If you tell us what state you are from and some idea of your GPA and SAT or ACT score, some people on this board may be able to suggest a range of colleges for applications.</p>

<p>I’d also spend some time on this message board reading past postings. You can also search for past comments about specific nursing programs. </p>