What if I told the scholarship I'm going to college A, but got off the waitlist at B?

<p>Okay, so I received this scholarship, and I accepted it (of course). On the internet, the scholarship company asks me my college next year. I already paid the deposit at college A, but I was waitlisted at four other colleges. What if I was accepted by a waitlisted college? </p>

<p>So the main question is that should I tell them my college is A? What if I did this, and got accepted to B? Can I still use this scholarship for B even though I told them I was going to A?</p>

<p>Call them and ask. Most scholarship competitions I know of that aren’t sponsored by a particular school will allow you to use your scholarship wherever you go.</p>

<p>This happens all of the time. You just have the scholarship transferred. The money is not like to be sent until the due date of the tuition anyways.</p>