What if you study...and still suck?

<p>Ok, so I went to Elite Academy for my SAT prep which is high ranked and churns out several 2400/2350+ students every year. Apparently, I sucked at everything. Regardless of how much I studied (anywhere up to 2.5 hours a day) I failed the vocabulary quizzes, and ended up having to write sentences after sentences incorporating vocabulary words, sometimes even going as high as 3000 sentences over a weekend. </p>

<p>And I still failed the vocab quiz the next day.</p>

<p>So yah, fast forward through hell, and my SAT average went from 1680-1740. I mean...not really miraculous, but whatever. So I go and self study, read up on Xiggi's method as well as buying the SAT bluebook with 6 practice SAT tests on there. I register for Kaplan's quizbank and do about 70% of the questions on there, and at the December SAT (I used the entire Winter Vacation to study for it) I ended up with an okay score, 1790. It's not that elusive 2100 though, after all the self studying i've done--coupled with classes.</p>

<p>I have to do a mandatory 200 hour internship at my High School and i'm going to LEAD at Dartmouth, so no real time to take another SAT class. Any ideas on what I should do? Any target dates? Hold off until October SAT or should I do June? Thanks!</p>

<p>Somewhat i feel the same way, when you are reading through the textbooks and so forth, are you trying to memorize the finer details? Its best to go with the big picture, get flash cards write the steps down on them, and go problems and try to use the flash cards to tackle each answer and go from there. Try to understand what the problem is asking for, and make sure you are understanding the question.</p>

<p>Have you looked at the ACT? Many kids prefer that format, and all schools now take the ACT instead of the SAT I.</p>

<p>maybe your study technique is wrong?</p>

<p>I know, I know that doesn't help....</p>

<p>take it in October</p>

<p>Try to find your own unique way. Some people prefer to memorize words (i believe naidu mentioned somewhere that she memorized the 3500 Barron's words and if i recall correctly she got an 800), some others try to find patterns. For example, questions of a particular nature that are repetitive (at every single test). Maybe what you need is some relaxation. Maybe you need to relax and have one SAT just for fun (ironic, yet it works). Just have it without the pressure of the score. Or you could buy Barron's 2400 for score maximization</p>

<p>You can't buy smarts.</p>

<p>no but practice makes perfect
after all you can definitely find smart people who do not do so well on the SATs</p>

<p>Well I'm just saying....some people, even if they study huge amount of hours, will never get high scores.</p>

<p>There are tricks to every exam</p>

<p>Exactly as naidu said. You dont even have to know each word. I have found out that you can extrapolate the meaning of some words and get away with amazing scores without actually learning words.</p>

<p>if you go on sparknotes, they have sat novels and since the words are put into a story, its easer to remember... also its easier if you categorize words.. because at pr thats how they did it and i can still remember all the words</p>

<p>that's why the SAT is good...it's designed so that not everyone can study and just get a 2200+. A lot of it is innate ability and skills which take a long period of time to hone (CR).</p>

<p>Hmmm, some responses to this thread.</p>

<p>laserprecision: I'm not trying to buy my way into a good grade, i'm just trying to do everything humanly possible to study for it. And a lot of those methods cost money hahahah</p>

<p>debate_addict: Yah, but I just feel so depressed since at my school (Troy) we have so many people get 2100-2400 (a few!) every year. It's not like in my school they say 1800 is good and at CC everyone says 2200 is good, but where I live it's pressure all around me from family and friends. And my parents care about me getitng a hgih grade, but not like azn crazy mom where she whacks me with a stick if I don't get As. I motivate myself, and that's why I'm a member here hahaha.</p>

<p>renak: YAH! I saw those rap music mnemonics (yes, I even tried reading up on mnemonic devices...) and I just found it inefficient.i Sigh...</p>

<p>cory123: But I don't want to be damned! hahahah, and everyone says it's a system where if you know it you'll get it. I don't know...I thought I knew the system...sigh. </p>

<p>naido: What i'm gonna do this time around is put down all the possible writing section error types on a grid, such as misplaced modifiers and or vs. nor to help me. As for critical reading, i've been reading my whole life, spending my summers at Borders (3 minute walk from my house) but I read only nonfiction, self-help books since I was in Jr. High. Coming back to bite me? Well at least I know NLP now hahahaha.</p>

<p>debate: Elite provided me with 2000 flashcards. I either used them, lost them on trips, or destroyed them inadvertently hahahah. I use flascardmachine.com right now for flashcards, but that's limited to being at the computer. (Told ya guys I am hardcore, I use a flashcard website hahaha)</p>

<p>Ok, so am i just stupid? Man...this sucks. I'm going to take the ACTs in September though and see how I do. Can I take it in both September AND October? Thanks! ANd keep the advice coming</p>