what if your parents make under 30K and you get accepted...?

<p>my family's efc is 0 and my parents make approximately 28K combined.
What options are available suppose I get in?
thanks guys!

<p>well depending on how many people are in your household and your assets, your package will mainly consist of grants and work study.</p>

<p>Unless you applied via H/EOP, which means you will get no loans or work study, and will have a full ride.</p>

<p>i did not…

<p>Building on a long history of providing access to students regardless of economic circumstances, Cornell recently announced a new financial aid initiative to reduce or eliminate need-based loans for eligible undergraduate students. In the 2009-10 academic year, the program will eliminate need-based loans for students from families with total incomes below $75,000, and cap annual loans at $3,000 for students from families with total incomes between $75,000 and $120,000. Cornell’s financial aid program will make it possible for students from diverse economic backgrounds to attend Cornell.</p>

<p>from their website, if that helps</p>

<p>You will basically go to school for free :)</p>

<p>Yeah, I’m really worried about the money issue, as well.
My dad just retired from the military and now both of my parents are in college, along with my older sister.
Even with financial aid, I don’t know if we will be able to afford it. :(</p>

<p>If your family makes under 60K, your aid package should be made up of grants and work study. I got my letter in early January (I applied ED) and that’s how mine was. So Cornell is pretty much true to its financial aid initiative. One thing though: There will be a student contribution that is independent of all other factors. I got the standard SC, which is $2,320 or so but loans can cover it if all other means of attaining the money fail. </p>

<p>Hope this helped. =)</p>



<p>What does this mean? Do you have to apply a certain way to get the grants and work study, or do they just go by your parents income etc…</p>

<p>check out the financial aid site: finaid.cornell.edu if you haven’t already. I’m pretty sure if i remember correctly that you will receive plenty of aid with your situation though. Good luck!!! :)</p>

<p>even if you sent the financial aid application one month after the deadline?</p>