<p>What exactly is a good GPA for business schools? Obviously opinions vary, but is it possible to get a general idea? Maybe it's because I come from an engineering school, but I see students complaining about 3.3/3.4 averages and I think that's pretty darn good. </p>
<p>If that's consider bad, I'm wondering my own situation-- 1.85~ average the first semester, with a 3.8-4.0 noncumulative average the 5th semester, 3.2~ cumulative for 5 semesters. It obviously shows a trend upwards but do I really need to worry about <3.5 averages that much?</p>
<p>If you went to Caltech or MIT and have a 3.5, I wouldn’t sweat it if the school’s average is 3.7.</p>
<p>In the end, work experience can trump many things. If you have a fabulous job with lots of responsibility that you have had amazing growth in and couple that with a stunning GMAT, GPA becomes less important.</p>
<p>I don’t think any MBA school has an UG avg GPA of 3.7. Stanford may have the highest at 3.5-3.6. I know I’ve seen a range for Tuck where something like the middle 80% had a GPA between 3.0-3.8, which to me is pretty telling that other criteria is considered equally to more importantly than GPA.</p>