what is a "rigorous coursework" for frehsman transfer students?

<p>In my school, for the first semester of my Freshman year I can take only 1 advanced level class (french). Also, for poli-sci my teacher told me that I have to start with first level class (101) no matter what and then go up. If I apply as transfer to the School of Foreign Service in Spring 2010, do you think these 1 level classes in my freshman year greatly decrease the chances of being admitted? I could take second level philosophy etc, but I simply do not have enough time slots even though I have only 15 credit hours for the first semester. It just does not fit in...</p>

<p>could you give me some ideas on what SFS is looking for in terms of the course rigor for freshmen.</p>

<p>Thats a great question! I am a frosh at UCR and I am taking 19 units and also am wondering what kind of courses Georgetown expects a transfer student to have taken before transferring…now i’m sure there are not specific classes they expect …</p>