what is a rigorous schedule?

<p>anyone have a clue?</p>

<p>if you’re up this late posting on CC, then that probably means you have a rigorous schedule.</p>

<p>not to worry :)</p>

<p>If other people at your school marvel at how difficult your courseload is, it’s probably a rigorous schedule.</p>

<p>Basically, it’s just if you’re taking the hardest classes offered. Or near-hardest. Whatever.</p>

<p>Take AP or IB classes when possible. Other than that just take what interests you.</p>

<p>College coursework if you’ve exhausted what your HS offers.</p>

<p>Basically you’ve taken as many AP courses that your school offers as humanly possible.</p>

<p>if your courseload is tougher than that of any of your classmates, you know it’s pretty rigorous.</p>

<p>or if you don’t have time to sleep. :]</p>

<p>I manage to get to bed at 9 every night despite the enormous amount of homework I have… I guess I just manage my time well. I don’t understand how people can subsist with less than 8 hours of sleep.</p>

<p>Sleep deprivation is tough, but you learn to deal with it over time. Making sure you stay in good shape is pretty critical to surviving with little sleep, I think.</p>

<p>My school offers about 12-13 AP’s, but I’d say the most anyone in my grade will have taken is 8. By the time I graduate I’ll have taken 5. Would that be considered rigorous?</p>

<p>Not particularly. I had taken 15 by the time I had graduated (but I think that’s a bit excessive). 8-12 is probably rigourous, in my opinion.</p>

<p>5 out of 12 offered probably wouldn’t be considered rigorous… i mean, using myself as an example, i will’ve taken 12 out of 14 offered, and a few other people will have taken 10 or so.</p>

<p>I’ve only taken 6 out of 14 AP courses offered at my school. I still think my schedule was rigorous because I took a LOT of “honors” courses. Also, I have a reason for not taking certain APs (not qualified for AP French or German, can’t take AP Stats and Calc simultaneously, no art experience, etc.); I don’t think you need to overload yourself as long as you and your counselor consider your schedule to be very difficult compared to others at your school.</p>

<p>It depends, though. My school is small so the number of APs that are actually offered versus the number of APs that actually run (at least a 10 person enrollment is necessary for most classes to run) differs.</p>

<p>I also think it depends on the classes you took instead of APs. Almost all my electives are either taken up with a supplementary science course or art electives. I chose to take these classes over extra APs like Comp Sci and Stat (I would be doing double math if I chose to take Stat) and these also resulted in scheduling conflicts for other APs (Music Theory).</p>

<p>Like with many other things, context is key.</p>

<p>Yes well, regarding the post “if everyone marvels at your course load it’s rigorous,” In my school kids are proud to get into community colleges and get a 22 on the ACT. While I’m valediictorian I don’t seem to compare or even shadow a lot of the students posting here… Do I still have an equal chance or are they more likely to get in than I?
Thank you</p>