What is a "Science Lab"?

<p>What is a science lab? </p>

<p>I took
Earth and Space Science

<p>Do those meet the requirements of science lab and what other classes are considered science labs?</p>


<p>A lab/science requirement is usually a 4 credit science class which consists of both lecture and lab.</p>

<p>for example: Biology 101— 4 credits must also register for the corresponding lab section
Chemistry 101–4 credits must also register for the corresponding lab section
Physics–4 credits must also register for the corresponding lab section</p>

<p>Do you see now? It’s a lecture class with a corresponding LAB class (which you need to register for)</p>

<p>usually include various biology, chemistry, physics, genetics, astronomy, geology, but must also include the lab section.</p>

<p>at my school courses are 3 credits whether the course has a lab component or not. And you can’t ever just take a lab. It’s always lecture + lab if there’s a lab. But I guess each school has their own way of doing things.</p>

<p>did your biology or chem class have a lab? like where you go and wear goggles and play with test tubes?</p>

<p>Yeah my classes did have a lab in the classroom.</p>

<p>Yeah my classes did have a lab in the classroom.</p>

<p>The fact that there was a lab in the classroom doesn’t really make it a lab science. Seeing a lab doesn’t make it a lab science. Look in your course catalog. You will notice that some science courses state something like-“student must also register for a lab section”. A lab science is a science that includes both a lecture class (2 or 3 times a week) and a laboratory class (a separate 3 hour long class). In the laboratory class part of the course, you learn and perform laboratory techniques, perform experiments, record results, analyze results and write up each lab in the proper format.</p>

<p>A lab is usually an additional meeting for a science course. For example, I took a geology class to fulfill my science requirement and had to take a once-a-week lab to go along with it. It was basically 50 minutes of applying what was taught in lecture. We had assignments due every week as well as a lab final. What was taught in lab didn’t appear on lecture exams though. It was easy and served as 20% of my final grade for the course.</p>

<p>Of course, this was a geology course. I can’t speak for the “serious” sciences as I have had no desire to take them. I only took geology to get my science core out of the way.</p>

<p>I think the op is in high school and is trying to meet the laboratory science requirement for admissions and yes those three science courses would be fine to fill the requirement.</p>

<p>Yeah Michael I’m in HS, i forgot to mention, sorry guys. Thanks for clearing that up for me!</p>