What is ACT writing?

<p>It costs $15 more for an ACT with writing. What is it and is it worth it?</p>

<p>.............you write an esssay. the essay is optional, depends on where you're applying. some colleges don't read the essay anyways</p>

<p>It's just an extra 30-minute session after you take the regular ACTs. I would strongly suggest it, a lot of colleges are requiring it nowadays and there's no sense in closing doors on ample opportunity. But I will say, I think I got screwed on my score so I don't know how accurately they represent your abilities.</p>

<p>Did most people here take the essay? Also, for the SAT, I did order the QAS, but is it worth it for the ACT? I might take my first one on April 12th, so I want to know if I should do the essay and buy the QAS.</p>