What is considered a good SAT II score?

<p>For Princeton, what is <em>really</em> considered a good SAT 2 score?
800? 700? 760? What is it?</p>

<p>I'm really interested in Princeton for physics, but my chemistry SAT is to me sub-par...</p>

<p>depends on the subject. and also probably your potential major(s).</p>

<p>so if you wanna do physics, a truly competitive chem score, i think is like 750</p>

<p>:/ </p>

<p>Unfortunately, I got a 740. I got an 800 on Math 2 and a 780 on Physics, so should I retake to get the Chem up too? Or should I take something else, like Math 1 or French? I don’t know if my parents would be willing to pay for a retest of Chem.</p>

<p>740 in chem is a great score! Don’t retake it!</p>

<p>yea, i wouldn’t recommend retaking it either, especially considering your other two scores. you’re probably fine.</p>

<p>in fact, i’m saying i’m majoring in bio, and these were my scores:
bio-e 730 (freshman year)
chem 770 (junior year)
math level 2 800 (junior year)</p>

<p>andr0128, having been in your position, I feel your anxiety, but I think you’re fine. I don’t know if you’re applying now, but if you aren’t, take a look at how long the application is. I doubt the adcoms will blink at a slightly-less-than-perfect score in a subject that is only somewhat relevant to your intended area of study, especially given your other scores. Remember that it’s a holistic process.</p>

<p>In general, it seems that anything 700 or over meets what most people on CC would call an “acceptable” score; however, as lurker mentioned, the process is holistic and one or two below average SAT II scores will not keep you out if the rest of your application is fantastic.</p>

<p>But, to break it down further if you feel it is important: For any SAT II test</p>

<p>700-730 Acceptable for a subject that you would not consider a “strength” or “main interest”. For example, 720 Chemistry for a “History Buff” app with 750+ on other two would be just fine.
740-790 Acceptable for a subject that you would consider a “strength” or “main interest”; Favorable for all others. For example, 770 Biology would be a fine score for someone with an express interest in Bio; 770 Biology would be favorable for a Classics major with 800 in Lit and History (but don’t count on it being a tipping factor, just a “positive”)
800 Favorable for both a subject considered a “strength” or “main interest” and for all others. Multiple 800s are a definite plus (but diversity is important - 800 Chem 800 Physics 800 Math IIC would not be as favorable as 800 Math IIC, 800 Lit, 770 Korean with listening for a non-native speaker; the first set are three “math-based” SAT IIs and the second set requires more broad abilities)</p>

<p>Keep in mind though… 2400 SAT 2400 SAT IIs will not make up for a boring application/lack of vitality, but will give a huge boost to someone who is involved enough to be an “interesting” applicant.</p>