What is ELC, and how does it allow people to get their acceptance notices early?

<p>I’ve seen this on a few boards, such as UC Davis. People are getting their acceptance letters early because they’re “ELC”. What does this mean?</p>

<p>K, ELC is an acronym for “Eligibility in Local Context.” It is a program that guarantees acceptance to at least one UC to students in the top 4% at California high schools. Keep in mind though that it is not the UC of their choice. It’s usually the same UCs every year that offer guaranteed admission: UCSB, UCI, UCR (i think?), UCM, and UCD. (UCLA and UCB do not offer this same guaranteed admission unfortunately but UCSD sends out a “Hey, you should probably apply because you will probably get in since you are ELC” letter.
So, the above schools (UCSB, UCI, UCR, UCM, and UCD) sent letters about a month ago notifying ELC students that their acceptance is guaranteed due to their ELC standing.
I’m ELC so all I had to do was apply to UC Davis and I should be getting my acceptance letter soon… (STILL WAITING DAVIS!!!) I’ve talked to several of my friends who are ELC and they have already received admission notification because I imagine that UC Davis Admissions peeps just filter through the applications and if it is listed that the applicant is ELC they just automatically send an acceptance e-mail.</p>

<p>I wrote something on my blog about this. </p>

<p>Requirements for ELC:</p>

<h1>Graduate from high school with a UC GPA of 3.0 or higher</h1>

<h1>Complete all coursework requirements for freshman admission by the end of senior year</h1>

<h1>Take two SAT Subject Tests and either the ACT Assessment plus Writing or the SAT Reasoning Test no later than December of senior year of high school.</h1>

<h1>Apply to the University by the November 30 application deadline</h1>

<p>More information at [Welcome</a> to ELC](<a href=“http://www.ucop.edu/sas/elc/]Welcome”>http://www.ucop.edu/sas/elc/).</p>