What is Honors Connection?

<p>Can anyone tell me what the 1 credit Honors Connection course is? Is this a “get to know the honors college” - kind of to the honors college like GBA 145 would be to the business school, or is it something different?</p>

<p>It is an introductory class taught by current Honors students to incoming Honors freshmen. My daughter is hoping to help with one of these next year. They work together to learn about various aspects of campus and the UA in general while “connecting” with other Honors students. She thought it was a fun class and a good way to pick up some Honors credit.</p>

<p>Is this the Peer/mentor class?</p>

<p>If it is, my older son was a mentor for this class. The frosh in the class are divided into groups and each group had 2 mentors. The students meet one or two times per week (which was a problem for a few who were pledging…FYI). The groups often met at night at various places (walking or car-pooling). </p>

<p>The point was to help with college-life transitions, answer questions, help with problems, etc.</p>

<p>On D’s schedule it was Honors Connection and yes, it involved older Honors students serving leading the group. They met at night and were assigned projects for the week to explore assigned places on campus. Part of the project usually included taking pictures of the group (usually 2 to 4 in a group for the project) completing the project. Projects included exploring various buildings on campus to silly things like fitting into a dryer.</p>

<p>Is this a required course for Honors students?</p>

<p>No, but Honors students need Honors credits. I believe 6 must be seminar classes. Daughter’s class met once per week for an hour and it counts as an Honors seminar class. Some of the other things they did included a scavenger hunt, finding a building that was said to be haunted (Gorgas) and take a picture and explain, take a picture of something that symbolizes the Crimson Tide, etc. The projects were not difficult and were designed to be fun and build a connection between the students. The hardest part was getting the pictures.</p>

<p>I remember my son’s group did some kind of Halloween Crimson Treasure hunt…and he and the other mentor had hidden candy in various places on campus for the group to find on the treasure hunt.</p>

<p>Sometimes they’d meet at Coldstone Ice Cream, or an inexpensive place to eat on The Strip, or they’d meet at Burke Dining for dinner. It’s just a nice way for new frosh to have an instant social life and to meet other honors students. It’s only one credit, I think they have to write about their experiences or keep a journal or something.</p>

<p>Another option for students is to do the Common Book Experience…also honors.</p>

<p>There are also Honors mentoring classes where Honors students meet for a weekly class to discuss current issues in education and then have an assigned school/child to mentor at either an elementary, middle, or high school. If your child enjoys community service, this is also a good class.</p>

<p>Did your son enjoy leading this class?</p>

<p>I don’t see anything called Honors Connection on the list of honors classes for Fall 2012…maybe I’m not looking in the right place or it’s called something different.</p>

<p>It’s under UH120. Search under UH for 1 credit classes and you’ll find it.</p>

<p>Honors FYE Honors Connection 47719 is the CRN
Do you see that under Honors?</p>

<p>My daughter recommends this and one of the mentoring classes. It probably would be best to do mentoring 2nd semester so your child has a feel for campus and course load. It requires more time commitment with a weekly class, a weekly journal, I think a current event related to education, and a few hours at the assigned school…still not bad. It earns more Honors hours. The one above is a 1 hour seminar credit.</p>

<p>Thanks…I found it as a section under UH120 - Honors Explorations.</p>

<p>Bamagirls…yes, my son enjoyed it!</p>

<p>Great. D interviewed and hopes to lead in the fall.</p>

<p>Is Honors Connections also offered in the Spring? DD will not be able to take it during the fall b/c of marching band practice every evening.</p>

<p>I’m not sure, but I do know the mentoring class is offered both semesters.</p>