What is IB?

<p>Im a freshman in 9th grade and would like to know about the ib. I understand that it stands for international baccalaureate, but thats about it! Feel free to fill me in. Thx guys.</p>

<p>[International</a> Baccalaureate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia](<a href=“http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Baccalaureate]International”>International Baccalaureate - Wikipedia)</p>

<p>IB is basically either a set of courses or a diploma that you undertake in your last two years of high school. It’s supposed to mimic the freshman year of college (which is why taking IB subjects, especially as higher subjects, can earn you college credits and reduce your college workload), so the workload is pretty high. It’s pretty coursework heavy in many classes, which may be a good or bad thing depending on how good you are in exam situations. It also requires you to fulfill extra curricular obligations through CAS (Creativity, Action, Service), which can be challenging for people that don’t usually do extra curricular things but can also be really fun and rewarding.</p>

<p>You have to take 6 subjects to graduate with a diploma - one from each of the: arts, natural sciences, human sciences (humanities), mathematics, primary language, secondary language. If you don’t want to take an art subject you can usually swap this out for another subject within any of the other areas, but different schools have different policies on this. You need to take three higher level subjects to graduate (I’m currently taking four, different schools have different policies on this), and the rest of your subjects are standard level. You also have to take a subject called Theory of Knowledge, and write a 4k essay on a subject you’re passionate about. That’s about it!</p>

<p>You should really google this to get more information but if you want a more personal idea of what IB is like feel free to PM me or reply here.</p>

<p>Thankyou so much. What If you are interested in joining to IB program, but your school doesn’t offer it. Is there any solutions?</p>

<p>《Are there any solutions?》***</p>

<p>Its a lot harder than your 1st 2 years in college because you have no control over your time or your class placement or any of the other high school issues you have no say over that are placed upon you. Time management skills are only good so long as you have time but even in IB there are only 24 hours in a day. In college you have the freedom to choose when to take what classes or not take what classes.</p>

<p>*** you may be able to find a school that offers IB in your school district, if not someplace withing commuting distance from your home. Will require your own transporetation but you should have the opportunity to participate I would think.</p>