<p>I saw 3 "Instr enhancement" fees which cost me 72 bucks in my Bar Account. What the heck is it? Instructor enhancement?? Instruction enhancement?? I don't feel there's enhancement at all.</p>
<p>Is Bar account payment due on Nov 20??</p>
<p>I saw 3 "Instr enhancement" fees which cost me 72 bucks in my Bar Account. What the heck is it? Instructor enhancement?? Instruction enhancement?? I don't feel there's enhancement at all.</p>
<p>Is Bar account payment due on Nov 20??</p>
<p>It's for "technology". Maintaining the computer labs, etc. </p>
<p>And yes.</p>
<p>Geez, 24 bucks would be resaonable. But how come they charge for every courses? :rolleyes:</p>
<p>Because the fee is assessed by how many units you take. </p>
<p>Just kinda the way it is.</p>
<p>Yeah, those sneaky charges..</p>