What is it like being an IRG major?

I was accepted to attend UT as an English major for Spring 2017, but looking at my future plans to become an International Lawyer; I have been contemplating on requesting a change in major to International Relations and Global studies, (International Political Economy). The problem I face is that I am determined to keep up the highest GPA as possible, but I am afraid an IRG major would make that even more challenging. I wouldn’t know what to expect if I were to transfer as an IRG major instead. Can anyone give me any insight on what it is like or how challenging it is compared to an English degree? What’s the workload like? Is multiple choice exams more common? Would I still be able to minor in anything like philosophy? Other then International Political Economy, what other specifics should I look at? Any and all information or Advice is accepted. Thanks in advance!

@schoolismagical Choose what you really want to study and make that your major. UT is challenging and full of very bright students. You should expect it to be hard. If you’re going to spend four years there, shouldn’t it be something you actually want to study?