I understand that most schools frown upon it and hold liberal views. I am just wondering if I will be hated if I don’t share these same liberal views
Not necessarily, but you may be in this forum. All the school have a conservative/young republican club. you should definitely look into joining them!
Yes, Young Republicans are alive and well on campuses I am familiar with plus libertarians. Most students I know identifying as such are fiscally conservative but socially liberal. example: not opposed to gay marriage.
I think your comfort level would depend on your own level of confidence in yourself and your views and just how conservative you are. There is quite the range.
@Bunny8280 You wont be hated but you will probably be frustrated by the overarching tone on campus. I believe you are going to PEA–there are conservatives/republicans there but they tend to be quiet. The liberal factions are aggressively vocal.
@Center Out of curiosity, did you know that conservatives/republicans would be minority on campuses like Exeter’s before your family became part of Exeter community?
I’ve heard there are more Young Republicans than Young Democrats at Episcopal High School…
There are conservatives at Mercersburg. It’s pretty tolerant all around. I think expression of political views of all varieties is encouraged as long as kids keep it polite and can defend their positions with facts. My son’s roommate and family are at the opposite end of the political spectrum from us. The boys bicker but are great friends. We don’t discuss politics with the roommate’s parents, and we get along just fine.
Devils are in the details. It depends on whether if you are Bush conservative or Trump conservative. I heard that the former gets more respect from democrats than the later at my daughter’s school. Also you might get different level of respects from sci-fi loving democrats according to your support level on creationism. A 6000 years believer may get less than an intelligent designer, who yet gets less than a young republican atheist.
@bunny8280 our kids have had no problems at PEA. Some are conservative- some are liberal. It really depends on how you choose to interact with people, just like in life.