What is lower division and upper division mean in UC school?

<p>Sorry I know it’s a dumb question, but like the old saying goes ‘‘There is no such thing as a dumb question.’’</p>

<p>I’m guessing that you’re asking what are lower division and upper division classes.</p>

<p>Lower division classes are often 100 or 200 level courses (but some colleges use a different numbering system). Upper division courses are often 300 or 400 level courses.</p>

<p>So…often freshmen and sophomores are taking the lower division classes, and the juniors and seniors are taking the upper division classes. Upper division classes are often filled with kids within that particular major (altho that’s certainly not 100%).</p>

<p>Lower division courses general introduction courses geared toward freshmen and sophomores. These are usually prerequisites to get into the upper division courses that juniors and seniors take. Upper division courses are more major specific and less general.</p>