What is my chance of getting into UW-Madison with a major in CS?

Hi! This is Eric from South Korea.

I currently attend one of the TOP 4 SUNY colleges with a major in CS.

GPA: 3.9/4.0

Credits: 35 hours

Courses(‘A’ Grade is the best):

English Composition I(A-),

Physics I(A) w/ Lab(A-),

General Chem I(A) w/o Lab,

Calculus I(A)&II(A),

one Informatics course(A-),

and three Major courses(A-, A, A).

EC & Awards & Volunteer & Employment:

two years of employment as a programmer at an IT company in South Korea. > Post High School

Student Government - Class president(Leader) > Grade 10

Outstanding Academic Achievement - Dean’s List on Spring & Fall at my current college. > Post High School

Community Service - Environmental Conservation(Volunteer) > Grade 9-12

Self-directed Learning UCC Contest - Participation Prize > Grade 10

Other Sport Winnings

English Proficiency: Waived

SAT/ACT: N/A(Not Submitted)

Reference letters: 3 letters from English Professor, Major Professor, and Math Professor. They are all university professors at my current college.

2 Essays: I believe my essays would be touching to the counselors. I mentioned it in my essay that I developed the program to reduce repetitive work that exists in the project that I was working on. As a result of this, although people in the workplace expected that it would take at least more than half a year, I completed the project only within a week. This motivated me on many levels. Unfortunately, I hope you will understand me not telling the whole story here.

I really want to be a member of UW-Madison for the reason that the college offers such a nice curriculum in all areas of CS, project-oriented courses. I can confidently say that this system will allow me to achieve the fulfillment of my academic aspirations.

How do you see my possibility of getting into UW-Madison in CS?

Looks good to me.

I forgot to point out my high school GPA.
I scored quite low in my high school studies. I must convert my GPA in American GPA standards, but I guess the overall GPA is going to be like 2.0-3.0 out of 4.0.

Do you think that I still have the chance to get into the univ. of Wisconsin-madison?

Ouch-very low for any US college. You would need to find out from your HS how your grades translate to the US system. I doubt you are accurate in your guess, even for unweighted grades (which are used by UW).

In the US HS grades usually mean a C (2.0) is the average grade including those who do not go past a HS diploma of any kind. Most college applicants will have a mix of A’s (4) and B’s (3), perhpas some C’s, regardless of the caliber of four year college applied to.

Since you obviously were admitted to a US college and have good grades there your foreign HS record is likely not a problem for admissions. Focus on your college gpa.