What is my chance of transferring into an Ivy League

<p>Hi. I am attending community college full time. I have a 4.0 GPA and I plan to take the SAT and the ACT winter semester. I really want to get into Stanford or USC. Do you guys know anyone that transferred to those schools and got in? I am looking for some motivation. If you know anyone that got in by transferring I would like to hear their story. </p>

<p>Ummmm Didja know that neither Stanford or USC are in the Ivy league?</p>

<p>For Ivy + S, the typical transfer admittee was the type of HS student that got admitted to similar schools but chose to attend elsewhere. The question for you is: when you graduated HS, were you a viable applicant to these schools? If not, then they won’t think you’re one now. Plus: how have you not taken either the SAT or ACT?</p>