What is my chance to PEA?

Hi, need some opinions from who may know about the admission process in Exeter. I applied a few BS schools in different ranking for repeating 10th grade, Exetor is the top ranked school that I really want to get in. My acedemic record is not bad, with all A and A+ but not extraordinary I believe for this school. But I was kind of mess up on Jan SSAT test, only got 2250 (91%) which is kind of low for Exeter I believe. I play team sports and keep contacts with Exeter’s varsity coaches, and met the head coach after in campus interview with good conversation. Then I keep sharing my game videos with the coaching team. Recently, the head coach sent me an email and said the final decision rests in the addimission, but they are supporting my application wholeheartedly.

I initially planned to give up Exeter after seeing my SSAT results, but the coach’s email gives me some hope. Not sure about the decision making process, can the varsity coach give some influence to the admission officer? Thanks!

A 91% is an excellent score. It is NOT “low for Exeter”. If the coach has told you that they are supporting you, you have a solid chance of admission.

So that you know, and for other children on these message boards - schools are not, I repeat not, choosing kids based on ssat scores. Anyone who tells you they are does not know what they’re talking about.

There are families here with kids who got into Exeter and Andover with much lower scores and some who got rejected with 99%.


Thanks! I saw some website post Exeter’s average SSAT is 95%, made me worried a lot.

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Your SSAT shouldn’t be a problem. A lot of other factors may influence the decision in a bigger way.

Don’t overthink. Application is done. Just wait for another month.

DD 25 contacted a coach. It was the Covid year when few sports were played. After seeing her videos, his only question was how good her gpa was. Then it went silent for a month.

Honestly, l don’t know if the coach helped or not. Never asked and probably will never know.

If you have significant achievements, feel free to send to admissions and the coach. Other than that, waiting patiently is probably the best thing to do. Don’t worry about the application. It’s out of your hands now.


Good point! Thank you.