What is my chance?

<p>Ok what do you think my chance for Virginia Tech engineering school given my following stats:</p>

<p>Asian male, Northern Virginia resident.
SAT 1 Math: 670
SAT 1 Critical Reading: 630
SAT 1 Writing: 640, essay 9
SAT 2 Math Level 1: 710
SAT 2 Chemistry: 620
SAT 2 Math Level 2: 650</p>

<p>(SAT 1 scores are highest from May and Oct 2007, still waiting for December SAT 1 results, and applying regular decision.)</p>

<p>High school course load</p>


<p>Geometry (honors not offered)
Applied Technology 1 (Elective)
Spanish 1 (Elective)
World History 1 Honors
English 9 Honors
Earth Science Honors</p>


<p>Computer Science (Elective)
English 10 Honors
Biology Honors
Spanish 2 (Elective)
Algebra 2 with Trigonometry Honors
AP World History

<p>Summer 2006: Chemistry (Preparing for AP Chemistry)</p>

<p>11th: This year I was accepted to a science/research school in my area. It specializes in offering challenging courses with integration of math, science and research. I attend this school on alternate days, and my normal school on the other days.</p>

<p>AP Chemistry
Math Analysis/Precalculus
Junior Independent Research
Spanish 3 (Elective)
AP US History (Through online course)
English 11 Honors
Physics (Honors not offered)</p>

<p>**12th: **Continuing attendance at aforementioned science/research school this year too.</p>

<p>AP Physics C Mechanics
AP Calculus BC
Senior Independent Research (My research is on certain effects of sun on Earth, and results will be presented to my classmates and teachers at the end of the year)
English 12 (Non Honors)
AP Government
AP Computer Science A</p>

<p>Cumulative GPA at end of first quarter senior year: 3.97</p>


<p>Key Club 4 years over 110 hours
National Honor Society 11th and 12th grade (Tutoring and volunteering)
Over 140 hours of independent volunteering (including overseas, libraries, marathons, homeless shelters, etc.)
Tennis 10th grade
Student of the Month 7th, 8th, 9th, and 12th grades.
95th percentile PSAT Junior Year.</p>

<p>Thanks for reading and any input is greatly appreciated.</p>

<p>Bump. I heard the engineering is extremely competitive. Are my stats good enough for that school?</p>

<p>Yeah, you're very probably in.</p>

<p>Thanks. Currently my intended major is a double major is computer science and computer engineering. But I have always had a fascination with airplanes and flight, so aerospace is on my list too.</p>

<p>Doublemajoring in engineering is pretty insane, but I guess I could see how it might work with computer science/engineering. Make sure you check the courses and there is PLENTY of overlap. As it is engineers hardly get any leeway in scheduling, including electives.</p>

<p>Thanks for your opinion chuy. Also, if I don't get into the engineering school, is it worth going to virginia tech? I got into gmu also, so I wonder if going to virginia tech is worth it for something other than engineering. I don't mean to offend anyone of course, but just wondering if gmu and tech's non engineering programs are that different. Basically is the Virginia Tech name more prestigious? Also, if I get into tech, but not into engineering, can I change my major to engineering later?
Also, any other opinions for my chance at engineering school? My 1st choice school is tech, and I loved the programs they offered and the campus after I visited the college this October.</p>

<p>Well I live like 5 minutes away from GMU so I might be able to help you out. As far as name goes, VT is wayyy more prestigious. GMU is still known around here as the school that had the final four basketball team in 2006. As far as non-engineering programs, if you want to get into law you might want to go to GMU. For everything else, TECH. Changing your major to engineering is very hard, but it is achievable I believe.</p>

<p>Thanks for your helpful reply. So do you think I have a decent chance at engineering?</p>

<p>I don't really know how VT's name carries outside of Engineering, Animal Science and Architecture but I think its pretty good. I know it's exceptionally good for what I listed (lots of great engineering programs, great AS program [that might be more grad focused though, I'm not sure] and the #1 undergrad Architecture program in the country.) Transferring into Engineering is possible but very difficult. You'll be either taking classes over the summer or an extra year if you have to go that route, but even with the NoVa bias in effect I think you'll get in. VT is a numbers school for admissions and 3.97/1300 are good numbers.</p>

<p>About the doublemajoring thing, take a look at the jobs that will be available with a CS degree as opposed to a Computer Engineering degree. I'm not in either but I'd be willing to bet that alot of the CS jobs will take someone with the engineering degree too. But check, I might be wrong. Doing both in 4 years is just going to be really, really hard and I'm not sure what the gains would be. You can always take a few classes in CS (I don't know if theres a minor in that or not) to pick up what you miss with the engineering degree.</p>

<p>Id say with that nice looking gpa, youd be in at engineering.</p>

<p>I can't edit, but I got my December 1 sat results. I wouldn't have bumped this up if I could edit. I'm just updating because I have a stats profile thing. </p>

<p>Math: 720
CR: 660
W: 610, essay 8 <--- Does VT superscore, because that 640 from OCT is my highest for this section.</p>

<p>Unless they changed it recently they don't look at Writing, but they do superscore. Your new SAT scores move you up from possibly to probably in my mind. You've got really close stats to what I had and I got in.</p>

<p>Thanks for replying chuy. Also, I heard from a friend of mine in Virginia Tech that Freshman english can be skipped if the Critical reading score on the SAT 1 is a certain number. Can you give some information on this please?</p>


<p>Bump please anyone who knows about English, can I skip freshman english, if so what SAT score do I need on the CR section? Any input is greatly appreciated.</p>

<p>Ok, the "skipping english" thing. For whatever reason a lot of the advisers tell their advisees that they qualify for this. I want you to read the following out loud to yourself and possibly print it out and refer to it in the future.
I have seen MANY students get messed over because their adviser said they didn't have to take english and when it was time for them to do something that required their classes it turns out the adviser was wrong. To my knowledge they have NOT stopped giving out false information reguarding the ability to skip english. It IS possible but I (and apparently nobody else) knows the exact cut off and it's a toss up whether your adviser telling you the correct answer. If your SAT score is very high (I can tell you from experience that a 690 is not high enough) ask either the dean of the college you plan to attend of the academic adviser of the college you plan to attend since they are not bumbling retards like the freshmen ones are. Look it up on vt.edu to see who those people are.</p>

<p>Sorry if I came off as bitter, but "admin errors" kept a few of my friends from being able to get into their specific engineering area and almost kept me from getting to return to Tech this year, and by admin errors I mean the freshman advisers made a lot of mistakes (ESPECIALLY in regards to the skipping English thing) and never as much as apologized.</p>

<p>All I do know about this is that if you get in Honors, you can take Honors english, which condenses the two semesters of required freshman english into one semester. And a 730 isn't high enough to skip - it was never mentioned either.</p>

<p>Do yourself a favor, go the website of each major you are considering and print out their graduation/course requirements. You need to know those as well as the university-wide 7 specific course area requirements. Certain freshman courses cannot be skipped no matter what your scores. For instance, my s had perfect math sat and subject scores as well as placing out of Calculus via AP, but still had to take the required freshman algebra and geometry classes in the first semester before he could take the next level of calculus.</p>

<p>Thanks for the good advice. I am really glad to have found a resource like this Web site.</p>

<p>Wow. My daughter was allowed to skip English because of an 800 CR score. Do you mean Chuy that this might have been an error? especially since she thinks she will major in English.</p>

<p>chuy and others, I am confused now. What about AP credits? The way we read it on the website (if we are reading it right or not, I am not sure), if a student scores a 4 or 5 on AP English Lang/Comp and AP English Lit (at s's hs one AP class follows the other in 11th and 12th grade) then that student places out of English 1105 and 1106 at VT. Is that correct? Does the AP score preclude their SAT or ACT English score? S's highest score was that of a 34 on his English section of the ACT, but I have no idea how that transfers to the SAT.</p>

<p>When do incoming freshmen find out if their scores exempt them from the core classes- if they do at all(English,History, Math, etc.)? He is really hoping to be able to not have to take some of those core curriculum classes, (and get something from the AP classes he has worked so hard in!) so this thread is interesting to follow. Zimmer07 Great advice about printing out their major's requirements (for both the core and the major). I will pass that onto him so that maybe he can begin to get an idea of what he should be looking at.</p>