What is my major?

So I applied for the Fall 2016 semester as an accounting Major at Baruch, and I recently got accepted. However I am confused, how do I know if I am in Zicklin school of business or an accounting major where does it tell you? Also I have already taken calc and stats and passed them both, does that mean I still have to take the math placement? All feedback would be much appreciated :slight_smile:

Regardless of your current level of math in high school or college, all students must take CUNY’s math 3 test. If you want to enter into Baruch’s business school.

Is there a certain score I need to obtain? If I do poorly does that mean I dont get in?

You don’t officially get into zicklin until you take the pre-business courses (law,cis,calc,stats,microeconomics,macroeconomics, accounting, two English classes, communications, and intro to business) and have at least a 2.25 gpa. You still take the math placement test and they’ll place you in a class but once you send in your Ap scores you will get credit and won’t have to take the class they placed you in. Also your major would technically be called “accountancy” so you probably wouldn’t see anything that says “accounting.” It’ll probably say “intended major-accountancy” somewhere on cunyfirst (youll make a cunyfirst account at orientation if I recall correctly).
Source: I’m currently a Baruch student

Thank you very much, that really helped alot!! In your opinion would it be possible to finish an accounting degree in 2 years? Also does having above a 2.25 mean a guaranteed transfer into Zicklin? What do most students have to be accepted? Thank you :slight_smile: