What is special about Purdue Honors College

What does Purdue Honors offer in comparison to the regular Purdue experience?

Besides a few different classes and a different dorm, there has to be more that I’m not seeing.

I think the priority class registration is supposed to be good. In my S’s case, one of the reason he is doing it is also because in a large school, anything you can do to distinguish yourself to employers and represent yourself in a better light is a plus.

There is really not much more.

That’s disappointing, so many other colleges make their Honors a major attraction. I guess this could be a plus side. Purdue is so awesome, it’s Honors doesn’t stand out.

@s16s18s21s25 Is your son in engineering? The FYE Honors courses are more comprehensive and challenging than the standard FYE. They will be doing more projects, spending more time on programming and move much faster than standard FYE. The courses aren’t necessarily hard but they are work intensive. There will be some honors courses available, however, you often have to discuss how to make your standard course an honors course. The ability to register for classes early is a big advantage, especially freshman and sophomore years and especially if you are competing with sophomores and juniors for classes. Often the kids in honors have AP/IB courses that put them ahead of the standard curriculum. If you want Calc 3 or OChem it becomes easier as an honors student.

I would recommend that he go to the career fairs as a freshmen. It’s never too early to meet people with the power to hire you. Purdue’s career fairs are huge. Our D was accepted into the honors college but will not complete her honors degree. She has the GPA but with a 5 term co-op, working with the SWE, working on research likely for 4 semesters she doesn’t want to do the thesis that is required and doesn’t feel like it will considerably add to her resume. He is in for a busy and exciting four years. Good luck!

@lvvcsf No, he’s computer science in college of science, probably will do a minor in math. Since he can already code, he’s definitely planning to hit up the career fairs this fall to see if he can get any kind of internship for next summer. IIf other things come up, like they have for your D, we can re-evaluate finishing up the honors, but for now we’re looking forward to it–and the new dorm!!

Do Honors students have to stay in a separate residence, and if so, is that isolated from the rest of the campus?

Yes and No. There is a new honors dorm and I believe it is one of the closer ones to campus though Purdue is a big campus.

Personally, I dropped the Honors College after a year because it was just extra classes that didn’t really appeal to me.

As far as the new dorm, I’ve talked to someone who just moved into it, and apparently the common areas are pretty nice, but the rooms are standard (with closets smaller than other dorms).

You can always start in Honors and decide whether it’s for you or not after getting a taste.

Honors dorm is fantastic–not quite finished, but really cool. The location, for a CS major, cannot be beat. I think my S will want to remain there to keep his room and location, if nothing else.

I think, besides having the Honors program on your resume, the brand new dorm is a huge attraction.

My son is a senior (EE / CS) and started in the Honors program. Here is his summary of the benefits. 1). Personal assistance with scheduling classes 2). Looks great on your resume for internships and co op positions 3). First choice of major in engineering 4). His very difficult fist year engineering course exposed him to so much more that he became very interested in CS as well, and as he was in the honors program with an honors counselor they have assisted him to get a CS minor (not in Purdue’s offerings). Then – seriously engineering is very difficult for the most brilliant check yourself into the Cary Quad dorm where you will be suffering with your fellow engineering students, not watching kids party and have fun while you are in a lab all night with a test the next day. Your fellow students can help you with homework / classes / etc. Hang with your own kind. There are specific Honors for Engineering, and beyond the first year, doesn’t make sense unless you are hitting a 4.0 GPA

First to pick classes
First to pick dorms if you don’t want to stay in the new dorm(my daughter is in 3rd Street right next door and loves it)
Great on a resume

My son is in the new honors dorm and it is fabulous. Aside from the registration benefits, it is also forcing him to class some classes outside areas he would normally consider, which is good for him. There is an honors spring break study abroad this year based on Harry Potter culture in London and Edinburgh, like history of magic, etc. Very cool! It’s also something to distinguish a student since only about 10% (I think?) of freshmen are offered honors.

Don’t get too excited about the dorm. This year many of the honors students were forced into overflow floors at Shreve. Many complaints from parents of a bait and switch. Plus I believe most will have to move out after their freshman year anyway to make room for the incoming class.

My daughter is in Third Street which is next door. She found out her floor is going to be used for the honor’s kids also

It was about 20% of the freshman honors students that were put elsewhere. I would have been ticked, too, but apparently more kids accepted it than they thought. There are still upperclassmen rooms in honors, just not all that many, and I’m not sure how many upperclassmen want to live in a dorm dominated by freshmen. A lot of the honors kids for next year are going to Third St Suites from what I heard.

@s16s18s21s25 Did your S first get regular acceptance and then honours college acceptance or got it both together?

@CStoInfinity He was accepted in October on the first day offers were made. He didn’t get honors notification until late January, I think, then his Pres scholarship around the same time or slightly afterwards, which sealed the deal for us.

Called today scholarships are due out by end of February and honors this year by end of March so don’t worry! We just have to be patient! :)>-