<p>do i have to have it?</p>
<p>The student spirit activity card is your ticket to almost all the home football games as well as basketball games during the year. You do have to purchase it online, but they're supposed to send emails with the price and purchase info. I haven't gotten it yet, but I believe some other people have.</p>
<p>It actually gets you in to ALL sports (home games), not just the major sports, which is nice. Basically it's just used for football, so instead of having to buy tickets for each game, you just swipe this at the gate. You also get the yearbook with your purchase at the end of the year.</p>
<p>is it worth it if i only go to one or two games?</p>
<p>It definitely is worth it, and here's why: 1) you'll probably find out that you love the games and that you want to go to more of them!, 2) you might want to go to other sporting events, 3) I think the experience of one or two games is worth that price anyways, because it is amazing and unforgettable, and 3) you'll at least get the yearbook and two tickets worth if nothing else!</p>
<p>ok i still haven't gotten an email about the student spirit activities card and when i try to login my PIN number that i used for registration and everything doesn't work-- is this happening to anyone else?!</p>
<p>yea me too, somethings wrong with oasis</p>
<p>yeah, mine is messed up too, i think the PIN is something different than your oasis PIN maybe? who knows!!! someone help!!!</p>
<p>yea soemthing is weird.
here go to THIS website and log in. THEN it works. :)</p>
<p><a href="https://camel.usc.edu/OASIS/Login.aspx%5B/url%5D">https://camel.usc.edu/OASIS/Login.aspx</a></p>
<p>ya my PIN number works to get into oasis but when I type it in to get my spirit activities card it says that it is incorrect</p>
<p>i'm thinking that its not the same pin, but maybe a pin they issue you?</p>
<p>They'll give you a pin number in the email they send you. Although the lottery system seems to be all screwed up at the moment (I'm hoping, because otherwise it filled up in one day).</p>