What is the ACTUAL cost of UA?

Hi, I’m a senior and realllly trying to convince my parents that UA is 100% worth it! We’re trying to figure out financial logistics, so if any parents/students could help, that’d be great.

I’ve received the Presidential Scholarship, so now all that’s left is Room + Board. I guess what we’re trying to figure out: is every year as expensive as freshman year? If not, then what kind of costs are we looking at for an off-campus apartment? (I think this should be my only major cost besides food; I’m not rushing and I live within driving distance).

Thanks so much!

Every year could be as expensive as freshman year (or more so), but it doesn’t have to be. There’s a wide variety of housing options available at different price points. I’ve heard of students paying $400 a month and others paying over $1000. Just keep in mind that off-campus apartments are for 12 months and in many complexes you’ll be covering utilities as well. My daughter chose higher-end options so we didn’t really save anything on housing when she moved off-campus, but other students do save quite a bit. As for food, my daughter’s food costs went down once she didn’t have to have the all-access meal plan. Even if you’re living off-campus you need to buy dining dollars, but they are refundable at the end of the year if you don’t use them.

Every semester you should prepare for several hundred dollars in additional costs beyond your tuition, room, and board. While my student enjoyed the benefit of the Presidential scholarship, the scholarship does not cover the fees that are charged for classes, and those fees have consistently been 300-400 a semester (depends on the number of classes you take.). Add in mandatory Dining Dollars of $325 a semester, annual parking if you bring a car, books (and quite a few classes require buying those digital books that are both expensive and not resellable.). For budgeting purposes, I recommend you budget for $1000 per semester for additional expenses. You will need to budget more if you end up finding the dining hall less than ideal (and if you like to eat breakfast early, since the dining hall opens far later than one would expect. Keeping some basic groceries on hand will help (cereal, bottled water, snacks - don’t blow your Dining Dollars on the vending machines,)

You will definitely have the ability to reduce your costs with a change in housing beginning in your sophomore year.

Most off campus apartments (those not overseen by UA Housing) will be less than living in the Honors suites, especially if you share an apartment with roommates. But you will need to set up your utilities accounts and pay all the deposits. I highly recommend joining the Off Campus Association as they help you set up accounts and the deposits are reduced.


My student rented his own house this year to get a break after two years in Honors housing. Rent has been $850 a month plus his own utilities, and he has had to take care of typical duties like yard work. While pricey, we have used the house through the year in place of hotel bills. Next year, however, he is going to be sharing a townhouse with friends and his share of the rent will only be around $400 plus utilities. Utilities will run around $100-$300 a month (I am including gas, electric, water, phone, internet, television.)

Congratulations. And best wishes!

FYI joining a sorority or fraternity will add several thousand dollars per year to the cost of attendance. Travel is another expense if you fly. There is a shuttle that will pick you up from your campus location (Maybe off campus?) and drop you off at the Birmingham airport. They will also pick you up at the airport and transport you back to campus. Some students get rides from others to Atlanta and fly out of there to save money.

One option to consider is to purchase a house/condo in town and sell it when you graduate. This is the cheapest overall option, but does have high short term overhead costs. If your parents own property in town you can get an exemption from the very expensive required on-campus residence.

Keep in mind before joining the Off Campus Association that they charge non-refundable fees to set up utilities and cover the deposits. If you set up your own utilities you pay refundable deposits that will get returned when you disconnect the utilities.

My son with very little credit history was able to get water and cable service with no deposit and only paid a reasonable deposit for his electric service.

is every year as expensive as freshman year

Not usually. After frosh year, many don’t buy a meal plan or they buy a small one. Off campus housing choices can vary price-wise depending on how extravagant your housing desires are.

I think I paid about $550 a month for my son’s share of a 5 bedroom cottage in The Retreat.

I’m a senior and realllly trying to convince my parents that UA is 100% worth it!



Of course it is. What would be the cheaper alternative??

Even as a frosh, you can save some money by not choosing the most expensive housing choices…and renting books or buying used.

Gender: Female Home State: TN Date Applied: 8/13 Date Accepted: 9/6 Have you visited the campus?: Yep Major: Undecided Applying to the Honors College?: Yep Career goal(s): ??? Any else you’d like to mention: Roll Tide…

Ok…so you’d qualify for HOPE in Tn. How would Bama be noticeably more expensive than UTenn (which can’t compete in the beauty dept with Bama, for sure!)

Have you decided a major? Because if you decide on Eng’g or Comp Sci AFTER May 1st, then you lose out on their 2500 per year award.

The cheaper alternative is the polar opposite of UA (a small, private Christian college in TN). It’s offering me a nearly full-ride, which is why I’m having trouble getting my parents completely convinced that UA is worth the higher price tag.

And of course UA is much prettier - don’t worry, UTK was never an option for me. Haha!

I’m not decided, but my options are definitely not in the realm of Eng’g or Comp Sci, so that scholarship is unfortunately out of the question.

I think my best bet right now is to propose sharing a modest apartment after freshman year and getting a job so that my parents and I won’t have as much to worry about financially.

During the summer months (assuming you are not staying in your apartment), you can sublet (check with your landlord beforehand) to cover those months you are not living there. Also, most students get some sort of job over the summers to earn money. Some internships can net you a lot of money each summer.

The two options you have @lecnyc are chalk and cheese: make sure that a large public is indeed a good fit over a small, private, religious school!

It is very difficult to find someone to sublet for the summer months. Supply far exceeds demand. I would not factor that small possibility of a sublet into any financial decision.

I hate to bring up this issue again, but can anyone give actual numbers? This thread seems to get sidetracked. I am just looking for what is due to the University? My DS has the Presidential Scholarship + the Engineering Scholarship, so we are looking for the other concrete numbers we will pay for. Room? Board? Dining Dollars? Fees? I’m just trying to plan ahead as to what type of check we have to cut in July. I’m not looking at the misc fees such as books and travel fees. Yes, they factor in, but they aren’t included in the money that is sent directly to the University when the bill is due. Any help with actual numbers??? Maybe someone in the similar situation (both scholarships/honors dorms/etc).

@scaredtoletgo, the costs for the dormitories and the meal plans are available online, are they not?

You’ll be billed for the fall semester in July, so I’d guesstimate based on the housing for last year and the cost of the average meal plan:


There are a lot of variables (which room, what size meal plan, etc.), but the a la carte pricing here should give you an idea: http://financialaid.ua.edu/cost/

I’d be expecting ~$5,275 for room and board ($6,625 for the semester less the $1,250 for the engineering scholarship).

@scaredtoletgo I looked at the bill for DS’s Fall semester. He is a sophomore. He is on Pres Scholarship + Engineering.

Total was $6365.

Fees:$465 ---- Dining Dollars:$325 — Dorm (suite): $4425 — Silver meal plan:$1150

Fees were on high side as he took 18 credits. He was taking easier classes to build up his GPA. Pres Scholarship covers all the credits, adjusts up or down. Dining dollars are mandatory. Suite I think is the highest cost. And Silver Plan is next plan down from the Unlimited.

Biggest surprise to me was the cost of travel. Probably spending between $2K - $3K per year. He is moving off campus next year, so can just leave his stuff in his housing and fly down or home, which will save money on travelling.

Books, codes, supplies these first two years were probably under $700 per year.

Saw this post was getting some responses again so just wanted to give an update.

  1. Thank you all for the help!! I really appreciate it.

  2. I’ve received various local scholarships since the originally posting this that are allowing me to attend for practically free. It’s such a relief; I can’t wait to be in Tuscaloosa this fall!!! Roll Tide :slight_smile:

Congrats @lecnyc ! I’m only just reading this thread for the first time, and it’s so great to see a happy ending. My D is going to be applying to colleges this summer/fall to attend Fall 2018, so it’s nice to see when things work out for people!
