What is the best college to go to for science majors at UCSD?!

<p>I am a senior in high school. I am currently doing the UC applications. UCSD is going to be my first college of choice. I need to rank the six colleges from 1-6 that I would prefer to attend. I don't even know anything about these colleges at UCSD. I try to search some info on it but it didn't really help. I am planning to major in Biology. Would you guys please give me some info on each of the six colleges and tell me which would be best if if I want to major in science?! Also give me info about the location, dining halls, dorms, student life, general eds, competitiveness, surroundings, and etc...
Thank you!! :)</p>

<p>Do some research or visit the UCSD forums here. Each college has its own GE requirements and will also have its own environment of students.</p>

<p>Twilightgirl09- look under the alphabetical list of colleges under “California” university of San Diego. There’s ton of info about all the colleges within this thread. They are all very different so it’s wise to research each college within the UCSD system. Good Luck!</p>

<p>[Prospective</a> Students: UCSD’s Six Colleges: Programmatic Themes](<a href=“http://www.ucsd.edu/portal/site/ucsd/menuitem.135225ab0c7ce3c0c0020010d34b01ca/?vgnextoid=14d9a78f2c741110a78f2c741110cdca5105RCRD]Prospective”>http://www.ucsd.edu/portal/site/ucsd/menuitem.135225ab0c7ce3c0c0020010d34b01ca/?vgnextoid=14d9a78f2c741110a78f2c741110cdca5105RCRD)</p>

<p>This should help you pick a good residential college!</p>