What is the best GWU major for aspiring JavaScript and web/mobile app dev

My daughter was just accepted into GD GWU. My daughter has an interest in animation,web/app development and game design. What is the best college or major at GWU for this career interest?

Seems like CS is an obvious choice. GWU even has a track for computer graphics and digital media:

It also has some suggested non-technical tracks for CS majors, since CS is commonly applied to various other things (e.g. a game or phone app is typically about something other than CS).

Thank you so much! The only issue was my daughter was accepted to the college of arts and sciences and did not put in for the school of engineering on her application. Does she still have an opportunity for the CS technical or non-technical majors?

@FN2176 it might be more helpful to speak with an admissions person, but there seems to be two options for her. The first is either to reapply to GW, but this time to the SEAS (I’m not sure if this is possible, but she should speak to admissions to be sure); the other option is to show-up to GW in the fall and start taking classes for the CS major with the intent to apply to transfer to SEAS. GW does allow school-to-school transfers, and the details can also be provided by admissions. Looking at the CS curriculum (https://www.cs.seas.gwu.edu/bachelor-science-curriculum) there aren’t any classes the first year that would be closed-off to your daughter, except possibly CSci 1010 (a 1-credit orientation course). Again, I recommend speaking directly to someone in admissions to get a recommended course of action.

Good luck to your daughter!