<p>I want to major in Biology when I go to a university. I am not 100% sure that I want to major in Biology because I'm not good at it at all. I am also leaning towards Human Biology cuz I think it will be more interesting for me..but I heard that is more for people who want to be doctors. I am currently taking AP Biology right now..and I am very weak at it. I got a D or an F in the class. I like learning Biology but I don't understand most of the stuff. I failed almost every test because there is SO much information to understand and remember. I study for every one of the test but there is so much info to cram in my head. However, I love doing Biology labs...they are very interesting and unique. Is college biology the same as AP Biology since it is an college-level class? What do you think is the best major for me that will help me pursue a career in dentistry?!
<p>ap bio and biology in college are different. in college you go into more depth
if you’re going to major in biology, ap bio mostly prepares you for it
and if you do well on the ap exam you can skip like the intro course in college</p>
<p>yes I know…
but I don’t think I will pass…the AP Bio exam is hard</p>
<p>You don’t have to major in biology to apply for dental school. Like medical school you are encouraged to major in a subject that interests you but you must include certain prerequisite classes (classes that you must have to apply for medical school) and do well in them. An example of prerequisite classes at one school is:</p>
<p>Notice that the *minimum * grade is a C but schools will generally expect higher averages that that to be competitive. And this is the prereq list for one school - each school will have their own list and you will need to check for the school(s) you are interested in.</p>
<p>Major in an area that would interest you as a career if dental school does not work out. If you do not like biology and you do not get into medical school what are you going to do with that biology degree? My daughter was actually told off by her premed adviser for declaring a major in zoology until she pointed out that her ‘plan B’ was a career involving zoology and/or biology as she loves biology.</p>
<p>I don’t know about dental school but most medical schools will not accept AP credit for a prerequisite class unless you take a higher level in the subject in college. You are better off doing the biology class in college.</p>
<p>Well, I’m not planning to become a doctor…so I won’t need to go to medical school. The universities that I want to attend does accept AP credits.</p>
<p>I am not talking about the university you are going to for undergrad but the dental school. The point is does the dental school you want to go to accept AP credits? My daughter could have used advanced standing credits at her undergrad school and they would have counted for graduation requirements *but *as most medical schools (as I said I don’t know if the same applies to dental school but it is possible so you should enquire - thought if you do not expect to do well in the AP test it is a moot point) do not accept those for prereq classes so she went ahead and took the classes in college.</p>
<p>As I said in my first post - if you do not like biology do not major in it. Choose something you do like to major in and make sure you do the pre req classes for the dental schools you are interested in. Some of the classes will count for gen ed and others may count for electives so only a few may end up being additional to your required classes for your degree.</p>
<p>You undergrad school probably has a pre dental adviser and possibly a list of pre req classes. Try searching on the site for pre-health ot pre- ental.</p>
Oops I Just noticed I made a mistake there - I meant to say “If you do not like biology and you do not get into dental school what are you going to do with that biology degree?”. </p>
<p>The requirements for dental school as far as pre req classes appear to be very similar which is why I am suggesting you check out with the dental schools you are interested in about whether they will accept AP credits (if you are thinking you may want to use them that is).</p>
<p>Most dental schools don’t accept AP credits, so checking out whether dental schools do is a good idea.</p>
<p>major in biology, that way you get all your prereqs done.
considering that the majority of pre dents major in biology though, try majoring in something else while still completing your prereqs-might take a little longer, but you’ll be a more appealing candidate.
as for AP credits, most D schools dont accept them.</p>