what is the best school that you think i can get into?

<p>hey guy's I'm completely new to this website, but it seems pretty cool, i was just wondering what do you guys think of my possibility of applying to UPENN as a sophomore next year...or maybe somewhere else</p>

<p>im at Drexel University right now but i wanna look at the possibility of a higher ranked university</p>

<p>Here's my stats</p>

<p>College Fall Quarter GPA: 3.91</p>

<p>Current Courses:
University 101: A+
Introduction to Honors: A
Expository English: A
Foundations of Business: A
Calculus I: A-
Computer Programming I: A+</p>

<p>Racial Background:
Caucasian, Native American (Cherokee)</p>

<p>Highschool GPA: 3.82
(low because I received a D in chemistry in sophomore year, all other grades were mostly As)</p>

<p>SAT I:
M(700), V(560), W(600)</p>

<p>SAT II:
Biology E(730), Math IIC(630)</p>

<p>College Clubs:
Judicial Affairs Appellate Board, Honors Program, Commerce & Engineering Society</p>

<p>High school Clubs:
Varsity Swimming, Varsity Water Polo, Community Service, Envirothon Club</p>

Full tuition Presidential Scholarship at Drexel, Anna Vincent Scholarship Recipient, Dean's List, Honor's Program, All-American Academic for swimming, AP Scholar Award, Kohl's Kids Who Care, National Dean's List</p>

Both excellent, one from Dean of College, other from HS teacher</p>

<p>thanks for your guys advice in advance
my college adviser from highschool thinks its pointless to try and retake SAT because they probably wont look at it much considering I am already in college and proved myself, what do you guys think?</p>

<p>Thanks again.</p>

I am in an identical situation as yourself. I will be applying to UPenn this spring in hopes of transferring in. I did call the University because I was wondering the same thing about retaking the SAT and they made it clear that it would be a waste of time because they only accept scores that were taken in high school. However, they did mention that they would accept scores from the SAT II if you were to take them now, but there is no way to prevent them from seeing your high school scores, which is very unfortunate. Good luck to you and transfer process, after viewing a majority of posts on this board it seems we will be entering a very competitive pool.</p>

<p>Does Penn accept the ACT instead of the SAT, or do applicants have to submit SAT II's? in which case they would see sat scores...</p>

<p>Penn does accept the ACT in place of the SAT, but they only accept scores of tests that were taken when the applicant was in high school. It is my understanding that the only recent test score they will accept are the SAT II results.</p>

<p>well thanks guys</p>

<p>that saves me the stress of trying to decide whether to take them again lol</p>

<p>you might want to take related SAT IIs such as Literature in place of the verbal/writing and math1/math2 in place of the math SAT I. i only say this because your scores are a little low for the ivies..even though you are cherokee (which will probably help you a ton)</p>

<p>I've got a 32 ACT score and a 1320 SAt. if i choose not to submit my sat, is my ACT in range of UPenn transfer expectations? and I did take the test in high school. and does upenn require sat II's?</p>

<p>im not sure if penn accepts act for transfer</p>

<p>but i do know that sat ii are optional for transfer</p>

<p>To what major are you both applying to UPenn for?</p>

<p>some untraditional random major in the cas</p>

<p>crossstx11 - did you end up getting in penn?</p>