What is the Dartmouth "Pre-Application"?

<p>I was looking on their site under Application Forms, and it said that Dartmouth "uses the Common Application along with the following supplements: the Pre-Application & Peer Evaluation. Please submit the Pre-Application as soon as you have decided to apply to Dartmouth."</p>

<p>so what is the Pre-Application? I looked on Common App, and all they have is the App, Supplement, and the Peer Evaluation. Thanks!</p>

<p>its the common app supplement.</p>

<p>Here is the link to the pre-applicaton</p>

<p><a href=“Home | Dartmouth Admissions”>Home | Dartmouth Admissions;

<p>so it’s not the same things as the Darmouth Supplement on the Commonapp website??</p>

<p>Will someone please answer this question? Are we supposed to send it by mail? Cause I haven’t seen it on the common app website.</p>

<p>it’s the dartmouth common app supplement.</p>

<p>So, there’s no supplemental essay?</p>

<p>Dartmouth has NO essay.</p>

<p>Their supplement really is this: </p>

<p><a href=“Home | Dartmouth Admissions”>Home | Dartmouth Admissions;

<p>Are we supposed to send it by mail or by email?</p>

<p>I just talked to an admissions officer and she said it will eventually be up on the Common App site, or you can just mail it in now.</p>

<p>thanks, i was wondering that as welll :)</p>