<p>Hey guys,
I'm going to be a high school freshman, and I plan to be doing Honors English, Honors Biology, AP Human Geography and Honors Geometry. What are they like? what is the difference between the three types of classes mentioned in the title?
<p>As the names suggest, there’s a progression in difficulty with the easiest being regular, honors being in the middle, and AP being the most rigorous. If you are shooting for top colleges (ivies and the likes) you’ll want to be taking as many APs as you can fit on your schedule and if no AP is offered for the subject, at least take the honors.</p>
<p>Of course, colleges will be given papers detailing the courses available at your school, so if extensive AP/Honors programs are not available, the colleges will just care that you’re taking the toughest courses available, but that doesn’t seem to be a problem, in your situation.</p>
<p>By the way, very good for a freshman. What are your grades like?</p>
<p>All A’s as of now (i’m in 8th grade). And instead of Honors Biology, I might take AP Environmental Science. How does that sound? Also in math, i’m taking pre algebra right now, because i skipped a grade. My math teacher said i can go on to Honors Geometry taking Algebra 1 over the summer, since she thinks that i am ready for it . How about that ?
<p>Just because a class is AP doesn’t mean it’s the shining achievement in education. My “Honors” English/Journalism class is around 4.6 times more difficult than my APUSH class.</p>
<p>You can take whatever science you want, but make sure you take Bio before you graduate (pref. before senior year). AP Environmental Science is not looked at to be as legitimate of an AP and many people self-study that one, so that’s an option. That math teacher’s idea is pretty good so you’re on equal footing as your classmates.</p>
<p>CSIHIS- That is what i have also heard. Our school offers Calc III, and even though its not ap, it is the highest math course available.</p>
<p>Some AP classes are easier than other AP classes, and AP Human Geography and AP Environmental Science are usually considered to be some of the easier AP classes. Since you’ll be a great freshman, I think taking one (or both, if you’d like) of these classes would be a great way to give you an introduction to AP tests and how AP classes work without having to take an AP class that would be too much for you.</p>
<p>I wouldn’t really recommend skipping out on Biology unless you really really want to take AP Env. Science - it’s important to have before you graduate. If you could cut out a class that you don’t really need so you could take both AP Environmental Science and Honors Biology, that would be good. But since you’re already taking one AP class, I would probably recommend going the Biology route if you don’t feel like taking two sciences. That’s just my opinion, anyways, and that’s the great thing about high school - you can pick your own classes just the way you want it. </p>
<p>As for the math class, yes, I would recommend taking Algebra I during the summer. If you’re doing well in Pre-Algebra without much struggle, Algebra I shouldn’t be too terribly difficult, plus it would allow you to take Calculus your senior year, which is also highly recommended.</p>
<p>But last of all, enjoy your freshman year of high school. I’d say it’s the year where colleges are most relaxed about. Take the time to enjoy school, make friends, and get the gist of high school. :)</p>
<p>thanks Rob1995!
<p>Regular=Classes for “College-Prep” kids.
Honors=Classes that are more rigorous than regular classes but not quite AP level.
AP=Classes that are supposed to be college level. Homework can take a while, and you better study.</p>
<p>Some honors classes can be one the same level or harder than some AP classes. Honors Precalculus can be considered to be harder than AP Biology at some schools while at another school AP Biology could be considered harder than Honors Precalculus. It just depends on the teacher and the school.</p>
<p>can you guys give me examples assignment wise?
for example</p>
<p>Nightly homowork
Regular-1 worksheet
honors-2 worksheets
AP- 3 worksheets</p>
<p>i know that not all ap classes are impossibly hard, and some honors classes may just be like ap, i just want a general idea.
Thanks guys!</p>
<p>When I was in regular Spanish 1 and 2 (no honors until 3) there was very minimal homework. Maybe a simple worksheet every other day. And studying depended on who was actually committed, so I would say that 10 minutes were required a night for those courses.</p>
<p>When I had Honors Geometry my freshman year, I usually spent about 45 minutes a night. Doing the homework assignment and going over what we did that day. Honors World had almost no homework at my school but you had to study around 30 minutes to stay on top of things.</p>
<p>As for AP, you really have to step up your game. In AP English Lang. the work load was tremendous. I had to spend at least an hour every night on essays or book reports. This doesn’t include the time spent having to constantly read out of class. You better be ready or AP will really hurt you.</p>
<p>To sum everything up, regular classes take little or no work outside of class. Maybe 15-30 a night depending on the class.
Honors Classes are a little bit more rigorous. Taking up about 15-60 minutes studying and doing homework a night.
AP classes are by far the hardest. You can expect at least an hour of homework and studying every night if you want to succeed. Taking from as little as 20 minutes some nights to almost a hour and a half depending on the teacher… </p>
<p>Sent from my DROID2 using CC</p>
<p>Honestly I can’t really give you an estimate as to how much homework you get: it really depends on the teacher. The only way you can know for sure would be to talk to your future teachers.</p>
<p>Just as an example, my school switched teachers for AP World History between last year and this year. Last year, the APWH teacher gave out about 45 mins. of homework a night. This year, the APWH teacher probably gives less than 45 mins of homework per week!</p>
<p>In my APUSH class I get homework maybe once every two weeks.</p>
<p>It depends, but usually it goes:</p>
<p>regular <<< honors < AP </p>
<p>For example AP Chemistry is obviously more difficult than Honors Chem, but Honors Chem is more difficult than AP Environmental Science</p>
<p>CSIHSIS how is that even possible??? For APUSH at my school you have to read and take notes on a chapter every, 3 or 4 nights per week. </p>
<p>At my school some honors classes are harder/higher work load than AP classes.</p>
<p>It just differs from teacher to teacher.</p>
<p>Each AP Class, could be an hour or two of workload. That includes doing homework and studying.</p>
<p>Regular Classes usually don’t give up much homework. </p>
<p>Honor Classes can depend on giving only 10-20 minutes or up to 1-2 hours. In my math class, my math teacher assigns every problem in the book. I usually get around 50 problems of math, not a healthy sight.</p>
<p>While in my science class, I just get real homework twice a week besides the pre-labs and questions which take 10 minutes or less.</p>
<p>Wow, you’re allowed to take AP classes in 9th grade? We’re only allowed to take them starting in 10th grade…</p>
<p>^^ And we’re only allowed to start taking them in 11th…</p>
<p>Well we only have 3 AP choices…and they’re history and AP Computer Science…</p>