What is the difference between the major machine learning in the two schools?

what is the difference between the major machine learning in the two schools in the Application difficulty?one is the school of cs ,the other is Dietrich College.


The plans of study listed on the sites should clearly differentiate them. CS-based vs. Statistics-based.

Admission to SCS is much more difficult. Last time I saw school-specific rates published, 7% vs. 26%.

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thanks you very much!your explaining is very useful for me.I know it is very difficult to apply ml of the scs school.so is it a good choice to apply a&ml?

You can also concentrate in ML for your BS in CS. So it looks like there are three options:

  1. BS in AI (within SCS)
  2. BS in CS with ML concentration (also within SCS)
  3. StatML (Dietrich)

SCS admit rate from Fall 2022 was 3.2%. But CMU allows you to apply to a primary and secondary school choice (though only for RD, IIRC)

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Machine learning is a very broad concept these days. It has many and growing number of subspecialties. ML at Deitrich is likely to focus on a few of such subspecialties with an emphasis on applications of ML models in data analysis/science.

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thank you for giving me an important information.

It depends very much on what you want to do - a computer scientist working in ML or a statistician working in ML. The term is quite broad and employs people many different skill sets.

I suggest reading through the linked descriptions and plans of study to determine what aligns with your goals.

I would not recommend applying to Dietrich if you want to be a computer scientist, just because it has a higher acceptance rate, no

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so appreciate for your analysis!thanks!